Nothing Changes if Nothing Changes.

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Who are you?

Who are you?  Can you answer this simple question in truth?  Are you afraid to accept who you are or might be?  Or do you not even have a clue about who you truly are?  If you do not know, don’t fret.  People can go years, sometimes their entire life, and never know who they are.  And while that sounds scary, it’s usually because they stop really looking. You first have to be willing to accept that there should be more in your life.  That is, of course, if that statement is to be true.  You answer that statement by asking “are you happy?”  If you pause with your answer... the answer is most likely no.  And that is alright.  There is always time for a change.  But “Nothing Changes if Nothing Changes.”

My change happened gradually.  I recently went on a business trip and on this trip I found the passion that drives me.  Though it wasn’t until I got home that I realized what that was.  I was able to reflect on what my truest passion is.  And I was helped to find that through the results of taking the “Strength Finder 2.0” test.  I HIGHLY suggest getting this book and taking its test.  Easily found at Barnes & Noble or on Amazon.

This test uses a very complex algorithm to sum up your top 5 personality strengths based on how you answer the given questions.  Everyone I know who has taken this test says it hit the nail on the head.  

After you take the 30 minute timed test, you see what your top 5 strengths are.  You read about these strengths.  And then it is your job to learn what those strengths mean and UTILIZE THEM!

For example, my number one Strength is Futuristic.  Simply meaning: I’m always focusing on the future and where it will take me.  And it has taken me to some amazing places and amazing adventures.  But it’s funny; while that is my number one Strength and I’m not shocked by it, it wasn’t until after the test and some important soul searching that I realized how powerful that Strength is.  I didn’t realize that that Strength has been running my life for a long time.  THAT and my other top 5 strengths alongside the first.

Here is my perfect example: two years ago I left a perfectly good job.  Good pay, good security, a consistent schedule, and relatively no fear in it. But there was something that was pulling me away.  No matter how hard I tried, there was this deep calling, yanking, luring me away from there.  I had taken everything I needed from this establishment.  I no longer had any use for them.  

Now, looking back to those days, knowing what my strengths are, I see full well why I needed to leave. While it didn’t make sense to some of my colleagues, it made complete sense to me. My colleagues have different strengths than I do. Good luck finding anyone who has three of the same top five strengths that you have.

Fast forward to the present;  I’m doing things that I never would have if I would’ve stayed at my d job. Sure, there was risk involved. Sure, I was scared out of my mind in many different ways. But the governing strengths that make up what I am directed me to exactly what I was supposed to do. And instead of fighting it, I relished in it.

Though, I found myself losing what I thought was my ultimate passion.  I love what I do but that same excitement was fading.  The same feeling that drove me away from my previous job. Until most recently when I finally realized what my strengths are begging for.  I finally realized what I’m supposed to do.  There is no question to it.  Looking back at my entire life it fits like a perfect puzzle piece. 

Now I know.  And I can’t wait for the second half of my life. It is going to be fun. It is going to be groundbreaking. And it is very much my expectation to change many people’s lives because of it.

So who are you? I suggest you figure it out so you can start living. Don’t deny who you are. Denying who you are is a struggle that  you will not win. Take hold of who you are and run with it.  No matter what it is. Give in to who you are.  I’ll see you on the other side!

Be Happy, Healthy, and Ready for Anything!

Friday, November 3, 2017

A New Path in Old Shoes

It has been many days since I have written here.  Life, whether you're ready or not, has a way of flying out of control in the most amazing ways.  How so?  Well...

March 2016:  I opened my first Shiatsu center: The River Stone Shiatsu Center in Kirkland, Washington.  One of my dreams had come true.  Lots of work.  Lots of preparation.  Lots of fear.  Lots of risk.   But there it was.  Built out and ready to go!

And just when you think you've planned for "everything", what you don't see coming are your enemies who'd been hiding in the tall grass, waiting to pounce.  Enemies that never had to be enemies to begin with.  Enemies drawn from power, greed, and selfishness.  Enemies apparently wiling to do everything in their power to stop your success.  To stop your happiness.  To make life immeasurably more difficult.

Well, I wasn't gonna have any of that.  I didn't care that I was financially outmatched.  I didn't care that I was outmatched through experience in this type of situation.  When you follow your dreams, nothing is supposed to stand in your way!  Nothing!  I did nothing illegal or unethical to start my business, this I knew.  Everything I had done was out of love for what I practiced and passion for what I saw as my future.  Nonetheless, that means nothing to those eager to stand in your way for fear of what you might bring to the table.

Never give up!  Never give in!  Your god will be with you always.  Lean on him.  Tell him what you want.  Don't be afraid to feel that you deserve success.  That you deserve joy.  That you deserve happiness!  In the end, you will come out on the side of success.  Even if that means swimming through alligator infested waters.  Even if that means more stress then one can imagine.  Even if that means willing to risk it all for what you believe is right.

In the end I did prevail.  In the end I bought an expensive bottle of champagne and celebrated.  It was the best bottle of champagne I had ever tasted.  Whether it was finally being free of my restraints.  Free of enemies who you'd figured had better things to do.  Or flat out just good champagne, I couldn't tell.  Nonetheless... it was good and it felt great with each sip!

And alas, The River Stone was underway.  And if you thought the initial speed bump was tough, no matter the size of the bump... it is nothing compared to actually running a business!

Over the first 6 months, I was predominantly on my own.  The few practitioners that I hired to start with me were only qualified to practice massage.  I thought that massage would be slower here but still something people would seek out.  I was wrong.  Massage wasn't very popular.  After all, we were a Shiatsu Center.  That was the draw.  So those practitioners weren't busy enough to keep on staff and a lesson had been learned.

I began working my tail off.  Those who knew me know this as nothing new.  But seeing 50 clients a week to make sure everything stayed moving forward, that was definitely new.  In the world of Shiatsu, 50 clients is a good week.  When you're not used to that load, it can be daunting.  And then, after a lot of patient waiting, my first Shiatsu Practitioner came on board and gave me new life.  Kacey, my amazing younger sister, finally came to work at The River Stone.  With a drive to support her family and passion for Sennin-So Shiatsu, she hit the ground running and hasn't looked back.

Personally, I'm not a micromanager.  Never believed in being one.  And hated being micromanaged myself.  If you want to be a true professional, I'll treat you as one.  If you can't be one, then there is no business for you here. I've known Kacey her whole life and this is the avenue she needed.  I knew this.  I also knew she was the professional that The River Stone yearned for.  And it has worked out beautifully.

The two of us directed The River Stone towards a path where only the sky's the limit.  Recently, a year and a half in, we have trained and hired our newest practitioner, Taylor Guske.  Taylor came to us as the younger brother of one of my Shiatsu colleagues, Kori.  Kori and I trained together in Shiatsu for 8 years and she'd talk about her brother, the collegiate running star, many times.  How he received Sennin-So Shiatsu to keep his body healthy while running.  So it is only natural that Taylor went to massage school to immediately turn around and learn shiatsu.  Taylor has been a joy to have in the office as he also wishes to have nothing but success in this field and has the drive to get there.  After all, if you've trained your body to run long distances like he has, doing this work is a piece of cake!

Since its inception, The River Stone has had a plethora of clients from all walks of life swing.  We see many doctors, physical therapists, massage therapists, chiropractors, acupuncturists come and try this rare art.  Plenty of the working class in the technology field as well.  Boy do they ever need us!  We see children and the elderly.  Car accident clients are A MUST for us, as there is a major variable about car accident clients that most overlook.  We've also had the joy of helping professional athletes from football, baseball, basketball, and soccer heal from injuries and prevent them from the beginning.  In fact, I'll be flying cross country in the future to go see one of these very clients.  Sadly, Sennin-So Shiatsu isn't practiced east of Washington State.  So in order for him and his teammates to receive the benefits, someone has to travel.  This time... it'll be me.  He's done it plenty!

I can't begin to thank everyone who has supported this dream enough.  Countless of individuals who have been there from the very beginning to see each step take place.  One individual told me that she was very shocked at how fast The River Stone has grown.  I laughed and told her that it was anything but fast.  At least from my perspective.  In my experience, amazing dreams that come true don't happen quickly.  We'd never truly appreciate it if it did.

Now, while The River Stone continues to grow, a new and exciting opportunity is right around the corner.  I can't wait to share this opportunity with those who are eager to hear about it.  To achieve one dream in life is amazing enough.  To be on the precipice of achieving a second?  It's almost too good to be true.  In fact, to date, what I have seen in this opportunity as it has come to fruition... sometimes I need my wife to pinch me to make sure I'm not actually asleep.

From the ever grateful owner of The River Stone Shiatsu Center, I thank you all.


Monday, September 7, 2015

Staying above the line... the 7.0 line!

A few years ago I had a talk with a Pharmacist about being too acidic.  I asked him if he knew anything about it and how it affects the medication distributions.  He looked at me, smiled, and with a hint of annoyance in his voice said to me, "The body doesn't get acidic.  It has its own ways of balancing the pH.  Don't believe any of that."

Just a few years later the medical world is being bombarded by sworn testimonies of individuals, many celebrities and other health care providers, who are using alkalizing methods to take care of their body.  Low and behold, the body can become acidic and the symptoms that arise there after are too numerous to count.

If you've read my blog before, you've seen that I am big on keeping the body alkaline.  My Shiatsu Master had introduced the concept to me shortly after starting my training with him.  Until then I had never heard of anything about keeping the body's pH at an alkaline level.  It is so life changing, understanding how important the body's pH is for the overall health of the body.  There are many things you can do to help your body's pH.  I've mentioned that my Shiatsu Master drinks baking soda every day to help combat the attack of the acidic variables.  This has been amazing for me, my family, and many of my clients.  You diet also plays a key role to how your body becomes acidic or stays alkaline.

Here is an article that was just written that comes from a perspective of a nutritionist/chiropractor who has seen his life change by focusing on an alkaline diet:  The Alkaline Life

Take the news and information about alkalizing your body seriously.  It is absolutely vital to balance your body's pH.  If you've ever had a hot tub, you know how important the pH of your tub is.  Your body is just a little more important... at least I hope so.  And your body, like your hot tub, is fluid based and needs to stay at a 7.4 on the pH scale to stay healthy.  Take this seriously and watch your body start to correct itself.  It is amazing!

If you have any questions on how to do this, shoot me and email and I'll be happy to inform you personally.  Until then....  Live Happy, Healthy, and Ready for Anything!


Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Our Ultimate Path... and it's ok.

I have an announcement:  I am dying.  Yes.  Sad, but true.  But, I have good news:  It isn't because of Cancer, or liver failure, or due to some accident.  No, I am dying because that is what living entities do.  They live and they die.  I have been living for 33 years and my clock is ticking away as we speak.  Now... let us hope, myself especially, that the end of that clock is many years from now.  Because while I am dying, I don't plan to leave anytime soon.  I am dying, you are dying, everyone is dying... and that isn't a sad thing.  It is a part of living.  Please, watch this amazing video!

This amazing video looks at dying from a beautiful perspective.  We automatically think of dying as a bad thing.  And I don't blame our culture.  I have no interest in dying.  I like living.  I want to be here for my wife.  I want to be here for my beautiful daughters.  I enjoy listening to music, watching my favorite sports teams, laughing with friends, helping individuals get healthier and live a better life for the themselves.  I don't want any of these things to stop.

But what many of us do is fear what we cannot stop.  And that fear keeps us from really living.  Many times I get individuals who come into my office who are frustrated that their body isn't the same as it was 20 years ago.  Well of course it isn't the same.  No one's body is the same from 20 years ago.  Every time you injure the body you lose a percentage of physical integrity.  Your body is a machine.  You need to take care of it the best you can.  Give it the best fuel you can.  Take it out and exercise it.  Be happy!  Your body is the greatest instrument you have ever owned.

And... one day... your machine will be fully decommissioned.  And that is ok.  It was pre-destined the day you were conceived.  SO... until that fateful day... live life.  Be happy.  Strive to do great, and amazing things!  One more amazing video, a scene from Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium where one of my favorite actors, Dustin Hoffman, gives an absolutely beautiful scene with Natalie Portman.  The simplicity and beauty of Mr. Hoffman's character's words are inspiring.

Live Happy, Healthy, and Ready for Anything!

- Adam Hewitt

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Do you really truly think about what you're being told?

Time to get healthy.

Ummm... where do you start?  Go to google, type the phrase "Let's get healthy" and it literally gives you 71,500,000 results.  No problem, just sift through the fads, gimmicks, and money making schemes and only focus on the real ways that work.

Good luck finding that.

So how do you wade through the greed, ignorance, and egos of the world trying to get you to buy their products?  First, you must wake up.  The vast in which you think about your health has been conditioned through media, word-of-mouth, and plain ignorance.  If you want to start seeing your health from a beneficial side, it is time you reflect on many popular beliefs that swarm our culture.  Time to question the relevance and lack of commonsense many are governed by.  Shall we take a look at a few???

-Let's start this smorgousborg with our good ole friend... milk.

When's the last time you saw a full grown cow, out in the pasture, politely ask Bessy if she'd tilt to the side so he could grab a quick drink?  When is the last time you saw a full grown ANYTHING drink milk in the wild?  And while I'm there... when was the last time you saw a full grown ANYTHING drink milk..... from another species???

In the animal kingdom, the animals get significantly higher amounts of calcium from the vegetation that they consume.  The carnivores, of course, eat the animals who in turn eat the vegetation.  Nice circle of life going on there.  Not once, though, do you see a full grown animal go and drink milk.  (If they only knew that they could use milk, flour, eggs, and so forth to bake a cake!  Oh how they're missing out!)

Studies are showing that not only is milk causing a plethora of health issues with the digestive system, but that the milk, hormones, and chemicals in the milk are acidic to the human body's pH, thus forcing the body to absorb minerals, like calcium from your bones, to help bring the pH levels back to a healthy alkaline state.  Did you get that?!?!  Drink milk, because they say it will help in preventing osteoporosis... but now independent researches are finding that it actually helps to speed up osteoporosis.  It's like an evil villian in a bad superhero movie.

Want calcium?  Put the milk down.  Toss the yogurt away.  Ditch the vitamins.  EAT YOUR VEGETABLES!!!

-For fun, since we're on the topic of diet, let's look at how we eat.

Name me an animal that eats multiple types of foods at one time.  And, just for fun, name me an animal that not only eats multiple foods at the same time, but each one of those multiple types of food is from different parts of the planet.  And while you search your brain for an answer, exclude any animal that is being fed either by human hands or the trash of human consumption.

Tough, isn't it?

We are the only species on this planet that mixes their meals with multiple types of food.  AND having the food come from all over the world, too!  I'd like to introduce you to Trophology, or "Food Combining".  It changed my world!

 Please, watch this video... it might blow your mind.

Now, I swear by the lives of my precious girls, this lifestyle of eating works.  I do it and have seen the amazing results.  It makes sooooo much sense that it is almost impossible to ignore it.  The funny thing, the Western Medical world has only done ((( 1 ))) study on food combining and have stopped since.  Showing, in their study, no such claims of quality health came from it.  (ask anyone who has done this for a serious amount of time and they'll kindly disagree!)  Find a cheap way to keep the body healthy... and science wont back it up for the most part.  Can't make money in the medical world if people are healthy.  (so sad)

-How about a topic about the body.  I get this perspective a lot:  "My hamstrings are tight because I run."

Well... that makes sense.  Doesn't it?  But if that is a true statement, then quite simply your body is telling you to never run.  Tension in a muscle is a warning sign that your body is not in the position to be as physically active as you would normally want at that present time.  A warning that if you take the muscle and ask it to stretch or fire too quickly you could tear it.  So why would running or using your muscles, since a muscle's job is to create movement, be the reason you are tight?

What about the back?  Many believe their back is tight because they've been using it all day.  So does that mean we just lay down forever and not move?  If movement creates tension then, just like the perception of our tight hamstrings, our body is simply telling us to not move.  How many times have you assumed that your dominant arm is tight because you use it?  Many people do.  And the funny thing is that many don't even question the thought nowadays.  If you'd like to know why your hamstrings are tight and why your dominant arm is tight and why your back is tight, I'll be more then happy to show you during a shiatsu session.

But one thing I can promise you right now:  Muscle movement is NOT the culprit!

How about "good posture"?

"Oh, come on Adam, you can't attack "good posture"!  Everyone in the country knows having "good posture" is important."  Let's diagnose this proper posture while sitting.

This is how they want you to sit at your desk.  THIS is what our culture believes to be "good posture".  And it is!  This IS good posture.  Sitting like this allows joints and muscles to work without impinging nerves, "over stressing" muscles, etc..  There is only one problem with what our culture deems to be "good posture" and how it is good for us:  the focus of "good posture" to prevent back pain (for example) and all the other problems that most deem to be due to "bad posture" is a one dimensional perspective on the body.  To stay in this "good posture" you must limit your movements and constantly contract muscles throughout the body to hold this posture.  And while many believe that firing these muscles all the time helps to "stabilize" the core, guess how many people can do this for more then a few hours at a time without pain, stiffness, and prone to multiple other problems?  Zilch.  Nada.  Cero.  Zero!  Your body was never meant to sit for long periods of time.  It doesn't matter the posture you're in.  You're doing something you were never meant to.  And that always comes with consequences.  How long would you survive sitting for 10 hours a day when we didn't have all of our technology that allowed us to make a living doing very little movement?  

When you put your body through this type of movement... or lackethere of... you shut down the natural and healthy flow of circulation to the entire body.  It is in that circulation that you will find your relief from the vast majority of muscular problems that exist today.  Again, that is what we do in Shiatsu.

Quick thought... when you sit at a desk or in a car too long... how do you feel when you finally get up?  If you think the body enjoys not moving for long stretches of time... ask yourself how well that would work for the animals in the wild.  They wouldn't be living very long if they didn't move at all.  Understand though, that rest is not the same as sitting for long periods of time.  Though resting in one position will cause your body to be stiff.  Believe it or not, a healthy sleeper tosses and turns over 200 times a night.  This is how our body keeps the blood flowing while we sleep.  Your body wants to move!!!

And our society's paranoia with movement of the spine!

Everyone in our culture is afraid, it seems, to move the spine.  "Keep the spine stright up and down", is something many of my clients tell me they've been instructed to do.  Keep from bending over, it will cause your back to go out!  I've never seen that problem with dancers, performers, gymnasts, etc. as they are performing.  In fact, back problems only seem to kick in when someone ISN'T moving a whole lot and then ask the body to move suddenly.

The spine has 33 bones, and depending on how you want to define how these bones moves as joints, you're looking at roughly 30 joints.  What are joints meant to do?  MOVE!  So to ask the core of your body to be straight up and down (which in itself is silly because a healthy spine has four major natural curves) is flat out crazy.  The spine is meant to twist and move and shift and contour all day long!  Your body wants movement... plain and simple.  Trying to find the right way to sit at a desk is like trying to find the right way to eat glass.  Or trying to find the right way to cross the street blind folded.  Just because it can be done, doesn't mean you were meant to do it.

If you HAVE TO sit at a desk for your career, understand that as you sit, you pool the blood throughout your entire body.  Might as well be as relaxed as possible while you sit.  Why do you think people naturally slouch and don't realize it?  The body is saying, "oh, we're not moving... ok, let's rest."  If you have to be at a desk, get up and walk around as much as possible to help the blood circulate.  Read emails as you walk around the block for a few laps.  Shake your body out.  Get shiatsu to help de-constrict what you have constricted.  If you don't take care of your circulation... well, let's just say your body has plenty of fun things in store for you as a reward.

I don't have all of the answers to life and I never will.  And I don't want to sound like I don't believe anything the Western World of medicine or way of thinking is saying.  But what I have learned has taught me that the vast majority of our society has been conditioned to believe in specific ways of living and thinking and as such, because it has been shoved into your subconscious, you don't even question them.  But if you really start to think about what you inherently believe in, you just might realize how crazy some of it is!  


The only way things change is if we, collectively, notice there is a problem and demand a change.  Nothing changes if nothing changes.  Our culture is dealing with epidemic problems involving back issues, muscle pain, headaches, cancer, sinus problems, digestive issues, and fertility inefficiencies... just to name a few.  But nonetheless you are being bombarded by the same 1 dimensional thinking that brought these symptoms to the forefront.

Simplify your life.  Simplify your diet.  Eliminate Sugar, caffeine, drugs, any type of chemical that isn't natural from its natural source.  Eat basic and smart (look up trophology for a graph on what goes with what when you eat).  Get enough sleep.  Decrease your stress... I repeat... DECREASE YOUR STRESS!  You can't live a healthy life if your stress never comes down.  And that's on you.  You have to make that choice.

Your body is your guinea pig.  Listen to it and listen longer then a few days.  Making changes in your life takes time for your body to clean, adjust, and repair the damages of your previous lifestyle.  There is no fountain of youth out there nor a real quick fix without side effects.  Make the changes in your life and let your body fix itself!  That is the true nature of what Shiatsu is all about.

Don't be afraid to question what you see, read, or hear.  Even what I say.  If it doesn't compute with your way of thinking, questioning it is ok.  Learn more about these things.  Don't just take people's word for it.  Don't just take my word for it.  You are the only one who can truly help your body to be healthy.  Take responsibility for it.

On a side note, I have been away from the blog for a while, but that is going to change significantly.  I now have the time needed to really keep the blog updated now that I am transitioning into a new and exciting time of my life.  More on that to come!  Until then... Live Happy, Healthy, and Ready for Anything!


Thursday, May 1, 2014

The Revolution has begun!

Ever since I started learning Sennin-So Shiatsu and my Shiatsu Master explaining the relevance and importance to having a alkaline pH (7.4 to be exact.), I've noticed that more and more publications, news syndicates, and even doctors are letting people know just how important it is to be alkaline.  Here is another article that I found that is a good read.

BAKING SODA... Guess what else it does?!?!?!

Live Happy, Healthy, and Ready for Anything!

Friday, April 18, 2014

Happy... what a powerful state of mind!

Pharrel's highly played and horribly addicting song, "Happy", makes it almost impossible to not dance, clap, bob, duck, dip, twist, jive, juke, or even give a little jiggle to it.  There is a reason it has sparked a national and international sensation.  Because being HAPPY is horribly beneficial to the human body.

During one of my training courses whilel learning Sennin-So Shiatsu from my Shiatsu Master, Michael Kazunori Shimizu, one of my colleagues asked him how he stayed so healthy and young looking at the sprite age of 72. (Also he's been practicing Shiatsu for over 50 years!)  He smiled, looked at my colleague, and simply stated: be happy.

If you were to ask the average person how they are feeling, most of the time they'll reply, "I'm ok." or "I'm fine."  When in reality, most people are on the opposite side of "I'm ok." or "I'm fine.".

I mean, can one blame them?  Turn on the news and it is 98% negative information.  War this, death that, murder this, accident that, fall of the economy, no jobs, hatred here, protests there, cheating by him, stealing by her, so on and so forth.  And occasionally they'll throw in the feel good story... to be followed by another tragedy.  We've surrounded ourselves with a world that only finds interest in drama, and as such the only drama that is apparently news worthy is that of a negative state that it almost infects our society.  Even worse, if you tried to report the news of something good happening, like say for instance a man wins the lottery, most instantly think to themselves, "I wish I'd win the lottery, but I'm not lucky." or even worse "he'll spend it all and be broke before he knows it.".  We can't even really be happy for strangers because we're so focused on ourselves it seems.

Well I say it is time to break this path and it is time to break it now!

"But Adam, what's the point?  So what, we're negative, it isn't like that is causing my back pain or neck pain."

Oh, but it is!!! 

You see, when you become negative your body goes through all kinds of fun physiological events.  One of those events is that your body begins to produce adrenaline, which changes the pH of your body almost immediately.  It also causes your abdominal core to lock up just as fast.  When the abdominal muscles constrict, your brain immediately fires the muscles corresponding in your back, the same muscles that our society associates with back pain.  And not just negative thinking, stress in general is one of the main variables to the detrimental conditions our bodies go through.

It's easy to say that 99% of all of my clients that travel quite frequently, work horrendous hours, have massive expectations at work, or have a work load that is constantly grinding them down are susceptible to some of the tightest abdominal cores around.  And as a result... suffer from chronic ailments like chronic back pain, migraines, digestive issues, and so on.

But the other day, I met someone who fits in the ultra rare 1%. (1st person in 6 years who fits this %)  She was a popular hair styling company executive.  She said that her job is extremely challenging, extremely tough as her performance can dictate many jobs for other people and the income of a ton of money.  So there is a lot on her shoulders.  Oh... did I mention she travels all over the country on a weekly basis!!!  Ouch!  Before I worked on her I anticipated that the muscles down the sides of her spine would be tight and sensitive as would the obliques on the side of her abdominal wall.  While she was face down I checked these areas, like I always do, but to my surprise... they were as relaxed as one could ever ask for.  They didn't fire back at me showing sensitivity (pain or ticklish).  I stood there for a second and then checked again.  Yup... they were relaxed.

"Hmmm." I said.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"Well, after what you told me you do for a living and your horribly hectic work schedule, I anticipated a completely different reaction in the muscles in your back.  They aren't responding anything close to what I expected."

"Is that bad or good?" she questioned.

"Well, generally good.  I've never seen this.  What makes this treatment so fun to perform is the consistency we see in how the body reacts.  I'm interested to see how tight your abdominal muscles are later." I said as I went to work on her legs and feet.

When I turned her over and went to check the tonicity of the muscles in her abdomen I was left again in shock.  This young lady had never recieved this Shiatsu, nor had it been recent that she received any other form of treatment.  She's never consumed baking soda or any other alkalizing agent.  She didn't do yoga religiously and didn't know how to properly breathe into her core to help stimulate the stagnant blood which is almost literally always there.  All of these things being factual and still... no sensitivity and no tension!

To say I was speechless was an understatement.  I stood there, trying to wrap my mind around what I was seeing and feeling.  The funny thing was that she was actually nervous coming in for the treatment because the client who referred her mentioned how sensitive the treatment can be, though really effective.  But alas, very little sensitivity throughout the whole body, especially where I anticipated the worst.

"How is this possible?" I asked myself.  And then like a brick to the face, it hit me.

"You really really really love your job, don't you?" I asked her.

She then began telling me how much she really did.  She mentioned how everyone she works for gets energized when she is around them, something she is told on a regular basis.  She mentioned how while it is challenging, she is excited to work every day, excited to meet challenges head on, excited to travel and meet more people, and excited to be amazing at what she does.

This wasn't a sales pitch.  This was true, honest, unequivocal emotion about something she truly loved to do.  It was quite apparent.  I told her that she is more lucky then she can understand.  Her mindset, her passion, the way she approaches her life and job is something that will not only keep her healthy, but will help her age beautifully and be absolutely successful to the highest degree in everything she takes on.

YOU have a choice in life.  You can't change what everyone around you thinks nor should you try to.  YOU are in charge of YOU!  Being happy, TRULY happy, is not an easy thing to do in our society.  It takes real awareness of the world around you and your present state of being.  It takes real tolerance, forgiveness, and patience.  You cannot live in denial.  You can't hide from it or pretend it will just go away.  If you want to be healthier in mind, body, and spirit, you need to find a way to start appreciating things you take for granted.

For example:

When trying to walk across a sidewalk of a busy street but seeing that multiple cars aren't stopping to let you go by safely, don't waste your energy getting angry or frustrated at them.  Whether they are chosing to ignore you or don't actually see you, it doesn't matter.  They pass you and you'll never know them if you see them again.  Put them out of your mind and out of your memory.  BUT, the one person who does stop for you is someone you can acknowledge.  You can show, even if for a moment, that you truly appreciate them for stopping.  A simple thumbs up and a smile can make that person's day and shows that you truly appreciate them stopping.  It'll also make you feel better.

You can find examples like this in your daily life on a regular basis.  Hey, just for fun, go out and start committing acts of random kindness.  Go to Starbucks and pull up to the drive-through.  When you go to purchase your order tell the attendant that you'd like to pay for the person behind you.  Or take someone's shopping cart back to the stall when they've unloaded their groceries in their car, especially if they have a child or two making it difficult for them.

Walk around your block and take witness that you just did that.  Your feet helped you walk.  Even if you've had surgeries on your feet, or knees, or hips, if they're still there thank them.  I have to do this all the time after having a blood clot damaged left leg.  It could be worse.  The leg could be gone or I could be dead.  But no... it's still there, holding on.  And if you don't have feet, then how about something to do with your hands, or your eyes, or your ears.  Anything that allows you to experience amazing things that we take for granted.

It really is true.  You never know what you've got until it's gone.  Don't realize this the hard way.  Many of us have to.  Love your family.  Love your friends.  One day they'll be gone.  Don't underestimate how important they can be for you.

Laugh at stand up comedy, even if the joke is crude.  Laugh at home made pranks on youtube.  When you trip over your own feet and everyone around you chuckles, just look at them and smile, saying "whoops, I just got these feet in the mail... still trying to get used to them."  Laugh at yourself, because we're all quite laughable.

Your job might be difficult.  It might be tiring.  It might be annoying.  It might be tedious, monotonous, disappointing, frustrating......... but you have a job.  There are people all over wishing they had a job, willing to do anything even if it was tedious or frustrating.  And if you don't like your job... find a new one.  You have that right.  Find something that makes you happy.  Why do that???........  Why not???

YOU are the only one who can make these changes.  So life has kicked you around, taken things from you, hurt you, taken advantage of your short comings.  Ok... join the club.  I've never met anyone who was and always will be able to dodge the sadness and difficulties that life has to throw at us.  No one is immune or impervious to the dredges of life.  Stop letting it dictate the rest of your path.

BE HAPPY!  It does SO MUCH MORE then brighten the world around you.  And if that was all it did... sounds like a pretty good reason to me.

Be Happy, Healthy, and Ready for Anything!