Nothing Changes if Nothing Changes.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Answer to Acid

The answer to the question... Which is the most acidic; Coffee, Cheese, Soda, Processed Meats, all of the above, or none of the above is: all of the above.

The significance of acidity in our diet is one of the primary reasons why the body has stagnant lactic acid permeating throughout your entire system, which is what slows and redirects the natural flow of circulation. This might not seem like a big deal to most, in fact many have made mention that it was their belief that lactic acid in your body was normal. Yup, definitely normal. But unfortunately, while normal, it is extremely detrimental to your overall health, and most of all; it's not natural. This lactic acid is what gets into your joints, muscles, and connective tissue, changing the overall circulation in your body, thus causing numerous ailments that are felt by the everyday person. Anything from tension in muscles around your neck, shoulders, and back, to Migraines and Tendinitis are all symptoms of issues that are the end result of poor circulation due to lactic acid.

Having our body in a state of increased acidosis is not a natural occurrence but all too normal, thus because it is not recognized by general Western Practices as being an issue, normal problems in the body are diagnosed as separate issues all together. Back Pain for example is diagnosed as muscle tension in/around the Erector Spinae Group, commonly known as the ESG's. Treatment methods for this ailment ranges, but it is general thought that to fix this issue, you must balance the tension in these muscles by strengthening the abdominal muscles. This doesn't address the real reasons why the muscle are "tight" in the first place. The muscles in the back literally have too much circulation moving through them, causing such tension and restricting any decent range of motion as you move. This is all because the flow of circulation trying to go through the abdomen is impeded just enough to reroute normal flow. Good circulation through your abdomen is extremely important for a healthy and pain free life. Being too acidic fights that possibility and usually wins, mostly because we are consistently too acidic.

Using the knowledge and techniques of Sennin-So Shiatsu we focus on relieving tension in the back by opening the congestion in the abdomen. Doing this allows a balance flow of fluid leaving the heart and traveling through the core to the lower extremities. When we do this, we eliminate back pain and tension in minutes, whereas treatment methods of other practices like Physical Therapy and Chiropractic work takes weeks and even months and in most cases clients end up getting little to no relief.

Ever heard your stomach start to "growl"? What do you think that is? Could it be your stomach telling you you are hungry? (Like most believe.) Or could it be that because you are hungry, the stomach organ has decreased in size (nothing inside of it), increasing the space in the abdomen, and decreasing the pressure on your circulation trying to move through, allowing it to move faster and more normal down toward the feet, thus making the gurgling sound. In Sennin-So Shiatsu, we know that we have this congestion moving when we hear your stomach "talking to us"(gurgling). In many cases, the gurgling is also when a client's Migraine pressure in the head is balancing throughout the body, draining out of the upper portion of the body, and eliminating the symptoms of what people feel when having a Migraine.

Being too acidic is one of the main root factors for our culture's all too normal ailments. There is a link to the left that also talks about balancing the ph level in the body and what also can happen if you do not through their research. I found it very interesting, you might also. For a list of acidic and alkaline food and drinks, send me an email and I will give you anything and everything I have. Enjoy the day everyone.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Happy Saturday.

Happy Saturday everyone. I hope the weekend starts and ends on great notes. Off to the side you see a pole question, asking which is acidic. Answer what you think and when the time slot is over I'll give you the correct answer. The acidity of the body is highly important to keep balanced. If you can do this, you can literally prevent numerous issues in the body, including the most important, poor circulation. Check out the link about pH balance for an amazing article which resonates with what I do and see everyday. I also have listed a few books that I suggest at the bottom, all that I have read and use to this day.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Here is a list of many of the things that Sennin-So Shiatsu is known to reverse, cure, or relieve:

-All Muscular tension. Including back, neck, and shoulders
-Sinus problems
-Plantar Fasciitis
-Rotator Cuff pain
-Herniated Disks in the Vertebrae
-Carpal Tunnel Pain
-Digestive problems
-Blood Pressure problems
-Tennis / Golfer's Elbow
-Arthritis (Including Rheumatoid Arthritis)
-Bursitis in Shoulders and Hips
-TMJD problems (Jaw pain)
-Acne problems (yeah, you're reading that right)
-Infertility problems (so far I have helped two couples get pregnant)
-And if you've ever had a doctor say one leg is longer than the other, this will prove them wrong.

There are more things than I can remember, and even more things that I don't know, that can be helped by Sennin-So Shiatsu. I must remind you though, that all we do is open the body, allowing it to fix itself. Your body has an amazing healing energy, it just needs to get a jump start. This can take 1 to 4 treatments in a month and you MUST be diligent with the treatment schedule. After your first month, then you're best to come in once every 6 to 8 weeks just for a tune up. There are hundreds of factors that our culture dictates we live that all attribute to our body ending up like this. You don't see animals in the wild dying of cancer, diabetes, stroke, heart attacks, obesity, genetic problems, and so forth. It is only the "advanced" human species that deal with these issues. Stay tuned, I'll give you information on many factors we do on a daily basis, many in which I am unfortunately doing right now, that are extremely hazardous to the body in the long run. Stay healthy, live happy, be safe.

Looking in All the Wrong Places.

One late night, around 2:00 a.m., Julia, my wife, woke me up because she had a migraine kick in. Now in the past, this was code for "get a pan, I'm going to be sick. I don't think I can make it to the bathroom." But, this was also the first test I had to show my wife just how powerful Sennin-So Shiatsu can be.

The way western medicine looks at Migraines is exactly backwards. They look in the head, when that is not the problem. There are symptoms, obviously, but look at it like this; when your kitchen sink backs up, you know you have a clog in the pipes. You don't know the clog is there until the water backs up. The water, in this case, is your symptom. The problem, is the clog. If we were to attack the kitchen sink issue like Western Medicine attacks the issues people have in their body, we would bucket out the water. That would work to eliminate the backed up water, but you turn on the faucet and it backs up again. But if you approach the problem, not the symptom, and eliminate it, what happens? The water leaves like it was originally supposed to. You never had to do anything to it. It drains and is no longer an issue.

My wife's Migraine is the symptom of problems happening in the body. The most impacting problems are found in the abdomen and feet. As she was feeling horrible, it took me 5 minutes using the Sennin-So Shiatsu that I was trained in to release the stagnant circulation from the abdomen into the feet and then send it fully circulating the body. Many who get Migraines vomit... and then feel better. That is because the pressure grew so great in the abdomen that the body needed to create space, thus purging the stomach of all its contents as to shrink the organ and create less pressure in the abdomen.

When I finished the technique, I laid down next to my wife, she took a deep breath into her stomach, and there was a 10 second gurgling sound, very similar to the sound that your abdomen makes when you feel hungry. When the gurgling ended, she stopped breathing heavily and turned her head over to me and said, "Holy $%&#, it's gone. How did you do that?"

The body has an amazing ability to heal itself. We are led to believe that the body is helpless without our intervention. All I was trained to do is open what is closed, allowing the body to do what it does all the time. You are the healthiest when you don't know it. It is then that your body fights 1,000's of bacteria and viruses daily without you feeling a thing. It is then that your body brings all the nutrients needed to live a long healthy life and you don't know any different. And only when there are problems is when you start to feel pain, stiffness, aching, lack of range of motion, and so forth. Pain is the body's way of letting you know something is wrong.

I have worked on many clients with Migraines, and so far I have completely reversed every single one in a short amount of time. I actually saw an orthopedic doctor the other day that was suffering from a migraine and I told him I could eliminate it. He laughed and said he just wanted to relax and then hope the Migraine would go away. Well, I proceeded to do a "light version" of Sennin-So Shiatsu without him knowing. Many of the techniques look and feel like massage, so it is easy to do it without seeming like I'm doing something different. It takes longer to be gentler, but is still effective. I told him, seconds before it happened, that his stomach was going to talk to him for about 1 minute and then 1 minute later he'd be without the migraine. Again, I got the impression from him that he didn't believe a word that I said. After all, I'm not the doctor... he is. Well, he was speechless when the stomach started to gurgle, and looked dumbfounded when the Migraine pressure literally drained away. He asked me a very familiar question. "What did you do to me?" I smiled, continued on, and told him very simply, "No offence, but Doctors are looking in all the wrong places."

The New World of Health

You wake up and you feel stiff. Neck isn't so freely moving and your back doesn't allow you to get up as quickly as you'd like. You have to slowly sit up in bed, allowing the dizziness to wear off. You'd love to think you slept peacefully, except your back was aching on and off throughout the night and your spouse was snoring in rhythm with the hip hop music playing outside the teenage boy's bedroom window next door. As you gingerly get up out of bed, the first few steps leaves you sore in many different places. Thankfully, those sore areas dissipate over the next few minutes but you know, that throughout your hectic day, aches, pains, and discomforts will find their way back to you somehow. Welcome to the start of everyday for the rest of your life. At least, that is what most believe. And it is what most are led to believe.

I'd like to introduce you to something that I was extremely fortunate enough to not only learn but have my life now be a part of. Something that seems ridiculously simple and at the same time filling one with a bit of a "too good to be true" sense of disbelief. The art that I have been honored to use in my personal practice, the art that has the opportunity to change the way many see their own body, the art of Sennin-So Shiatsu.

Many have heard of Shiatsu. The technique isn't that abnormal, but the name "Sennin-So" isn't something that generally comes up when you hear of Shiatsu. In April of 2009, I was one of four chosen to learn this art from a Japanese man in Seattle. His name is Mike Shimizu. I was excited to learn Shiatsu, for there were two massage therapists that I worked with that also performed this treatment, and both were highly prized because of their abilities. But while I was excited, I didn't know just what I was about to embark on.

Our first day of training, our Shiatsu Master worked on all of us, mostly so we could see what we were in for. He worked points in my body that emitted pain and sensitivity that I didn't know existed, nor understood why it hurt. I could also sense that while those points hurt, his pressure was only mild, so it couldn't be that he was pushing too hard. But while he put me through what some might consider a mild form of torture, he had a presence about him that seemed reassuring and something inside me allowed me to stay calm. After he was done with just the back half of my body, including my feet, legs, glutes, and upper back there was a feeling I hadn't felt in years: flowing circulation and complete muscle relaxation. All of the points that he had originally pushed, causing significant sensations, were completely painless. I had never known anything to be so powerful or fast acting. Multiple times through his full body 30 minute session on me, I just smiled and looked at him and asked, "How did you do that?" He was releasing tension throughout my body in seconds, whereas it would take my traditional western massage techniques multiple treatments of 1 to 1 1/2 hours to come "maybe" as close to what he got.

Of course I thought there had to be a trick. How could a technique be this fast acting, this powerful, this mind-blowing and not be popular? Then I found out that the technique being performed on me was specific to Mike Shimizu's family and hasn't been taught main stream ever in its 600 year lineage. He is the 33rd generation of healers in his family that has taught, grown, and strengthen the ability that they named "Sennin-So" Shiatsu. Mike informed me that "Sennin-So" means "Little Magic." I told him that it is anything but "little".

Ever since that day I have been training, learning, and strengthening my knowledge and abilities through Sennin-So Shiatsu. Everyday that I work, I get to show my clients the fast acting, long relieving results that leave many feeling better than anything they have ever tried. It is a life's work that will never end. My ability is a fraction of my Master's, but that just lets me know that I can always improve and I will never stop trying to.

April of 2009 was the start of an amazing adventure that will no doubt shape my life towards the good health of not only myself and my family, but thousands of people that I will directly help in ways they never knew existed.

I am creating this blog site because there is an amazing amount of knowledge and information that I want to help share across the world. I personally, nor anyone who knows this art, can't help everyone, but I feel that there is way too much for me to learn and not try to help all that I can. Throughout the existence of this site, I will post information about diet, exercise, self-help techniques, quotes from my Shiatsu Master, as well as answer any questions or respond to any comments that any of you might be interested in. The art of Sennin-So Shiatsu goes through many factors, and while you may not ever be able to receive the treatment from me or someone else (if you live too far away for example), there are factors in your life that you can address to allow your body to be healthy throughout your life. I wish you all health and happiness and I look forward to hearing from you.