Nothing Changes if Nothing Changes.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Shin Splints are permanent???

Recently a large amount of clients have been coming in with good ole shin splints. I was sent a man who had shin splints and was told that it would most likely be a permanent issue if he didn't stop playing tennis. After 4 months of treatments after treatments with different practitioners of all sorts, this gentleman was sent to me. For privacy purposes, I won't call him by his real name, so we'll use "Joe". Joe came into me and said that one of the front desk concierge had mentioned that our Shiatsu had a great chance at healing many different issues, including shin splints. Before I met Joe, the referring concierge associate came to me to give me the heads before the treatment was to begin. She mentioned that he really wanted just a massage and laughed at the idea that "massage" could fix his shin splints. I had to remind my associate that Sennin-So Shiatsu is as close to massage as Chiropractor is. Just because it involves hand on body contact, doesn't mean it automatically is massage.

My associate was hoping that I could live up to the referral, and I just reassured that I'd do everything in my power to prove them right. When I introduced myself to Joe, initially I could tell that he wasn't going to be an easy sell. Sometimes, not always, but sometimes, you an just tell when someone is going to be hard to convince that what I'm doing is actually not a trick. When he explained what he had been dealing with and what he tried to do to fix it, I followed it up with how I was going to attack his real problem, not just the symptom. He actually gave me a single eyebrow raise... never had that, at least not blatantly. AT LEAST, he was willing to give it a try.

So began the treatment. Instantly he was sensitive, this I expected. But thankfully he did notice how his body started to change just by working his feet. After I worked the entire body, he mentioned that he did feel different, but still didn't expect to have that much of a change. After the treatment, when I met him outside the room, he did say that he felt better, but his shin splints were still sore. This I had to explain, for many think that I mean this technique is supposed to cure everything instantly. Shin splints is a layman's term for tendinitis. IF you get the Anterior Tibialis to start to tear (Shin Splints/Tendinitis) then the symptom will occur. That muscle and its tendons DO need to heal. I mentioned this to him, and unfortunately at the time I could see an expression that resembled the "Yeah, I thought so" exaggeration. I told him, like I tell everyone, that the body will go through changes for 72 hours, and after that time, he'd notice the most difference.

Though I had given him my card, which contained my email, and the wish to email me with questions, concerns, or good news, I hadn't heard from him in 3 weeks. Then, after the 3rd week, I saw him on the books with a note that said, "ONLY WANTS TO SEE ADAM". Happy, initially, but a bit concerned... just in case he was upset. When I went to our Men's lounge to pick him up, he stood up, smiled, grabbed my hand and gave me a hug. Yup, I was shocked, since this isn't something that happens very often. Most of their time they are happy, just not this expressive. The first thing out of his mouth was, "I though you were full of @#$%!", and he didn't bleep himself out. He said that he had been playing tennis for the last 2 1/2 weeks without any pain and couldn't believe it. And not only that, but he noticed that the aching in his back was gone, something he didn't tell me about in his initial treatment.

Happy to say that it has been over 6 months now and he has competed in many tennis matches and a few tournaments without any shin splints anymore. I actually see his entire family now. Shin splints can be pretty debilitating. This is because if you ONLY address where the pain is, you're not going to get the optimal relief and you're going to have to stop exercising or playing a sport to get any kind of relief, and then when it feels better and you get back to the physical workout, it comes back. Sennin-So Shiatsu really works, and has and will continue to help many people from athletes to computer workers. If you haven't tried it yet, come on down. I'd love to meet you. And hey, if you don't want to be worked on by a man, I work with 3 women who are amazing at this as well.

Take care all. Stay Happy, Healthy, and Ready for Anything.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Here again

Hello everyone,
It has been a very busy new year for me and for some reason I have put this site on the back burner. No longer! I have been wondering what to write for a while and a client of mine suggested bringing up some stories of clients who have seen very good results. I thought that that would be a great idea and so I'll update some very successful Sennin-So Shiatsu stories every few days. I obviously can't and will not divulge names of specific clients for it is completely against the HIPPA act, but I will explain the client's issue and what was done to help and how they felt afterward.

Let's start with a client who even shocked me a bit:

An esthetician that I work with contacted me a while back and told me she was going to send me a client of hers. My associate had heard that Shiatsu is very beneficial at helping people get pregnant who seem to be unable to, especially when all medical tests show no problems in the women's body. To the date, I have helped 6 couples conceive purely by performing Sennin-So Shiatsu and helping them with their lifestyle habits.

When the young lady came to me, I saw that she had multiple symptoms that told me everything I needed to know. Initially, I noticed that she was suffering from some pretty intense acne issues on her face. To most, they believe that they are JUST hormonal or JUST do not clean their faces properly. Little do most know, that acne is where your blood is stagnant and is usually exasperated by high levels of acidity in your pH. Yes hormones and dirt play a part, but without addressing the pH of your blood, you are merely addressing the symptom, not the body's problem.

She also explained that she was suffering from constant migraines that would increase and decrease both in severity and consistency. Last but not least, low back pain was also a constant.

Now she was sent to me because she wanted to get pregnant and was told by the esthetician that I can help with that. Little did she know that I was going to rock her world about what was the true cause. I asked her how long she loved to eat cheese and wine. She hesitated for a moment and then replied, "How did you know I love those two things?" Truthfully, there are a numerous amount of things that can increase the body's acidity, so partially this was an educated guess. But usually, if I'm wrong, I'm not far off.

Everything this young lady was suffering from was due to a body that was consistently too acidic. And, in no surprise, her body was EXTREMELY sensitive to work on. I told her it would be, but I was even shocked about how sensitive she was. Thankfully for her, everything that I told her hit home. It all made sense to her and she mentioned that she had never heard of such a thing. That is something that I have become way too accustomed to.

I told her, to help her body begin to eliminate the acne on her face, decrease her migraines and back pain, and most importantly, get pregnant, she'd have to balance her alkalinity level in her body. There are a couple of ways to do that, but one of the easiest is to give up dairy and wine, two things that are extremely acidic. While I say it is easy, your body WILL fight against you. If you love cheese, it is because you are addicted to the sugar in it. "Sugar in Cheese???"... oh yeah! If you can get through the withdrawals, you'll feel amazing.

So I had mentioned to her that she needed to probably see me in a week or two, depending on how she felt. She thanked me and told me she felt like she received a ton of very useful information as well as a healthier body.

Now, a week later, I talked to the esthetician that sent her to me and she mentioned the same thing the young lady told me, that she felt she really got a lot out of the treatment. BUT... and there usually is a but... her husband thought I was a complete idiot and that I was brainwashing her. Welcome to my world. Usually, this kind of thing can be a deal breaker. For many clients, the spouse will dictate if you ever see them again, and in my case, when you perform a technique that is so rare, can be very sensitive initially, and has a philosophy that goes against almost everything you will hear about, it leaves you with very little room to be wrong or off. Thankfully there is usually massive changes in the body to prove what I do.

Well, three weeks go by and I do not see her. So, I unfortunately chalked one up for the spouse on this one. I was taught early through my training by my Shiatsu Master that you cannot help everyone. Those who come to you and trust you will be fixed. Those who don't trust you, you can't do anything to help them. This is a bit of a hard thing to swallow when you know what you have been taught really works and you know you can change so many lives.

Now with this young lady, she was so stagnant throughout the entire body, that I would swear she would need a few treatments to get her body moving like she needed it to. I also felt that if she cut back on the acidic foods, it would help significantly. But, to my surprise, 6 weeks from when I first saw her, I received a telephone call from the esthetician that originally sent her to me. She sounded very excited on the phone and truthfully wasn't sure why she called me. She simply said, "Adam, she's pregnant! After three years and many doctor visits and almost getting into in Vitro fertilization... She's Pregnant!!!"

To say honestly, I was flying high for the rest of the day. I was very shocked that her body turned the corner as quick as it did. In this art, we pride ourselves in helping people to get healthy without suggesting seeing us three times a month for the rest of their lives. It usually takes a couple of treatments and then you're going to be doing well and coming into see me for maintenance and only.

I have talked with her a few times and she is doing well, but her husband hasn't commented on his big disbelief with this art and its philosophy. As long as they are happy and ready for their little one, that is all that I ask.

In the last few years I have had this story happen multiple times. In fact, this story is extremely similar from another that happened most recently. Very similar symptoms, husband didn't believe me, only saw her once, pregnant after 5 weeks this time, and coincidentally sent to me by an esthetician. Different esthetician then the above story, but similar outcome. There is nothing in the world that makes you feel better than helping someone or multiple people in something that easily changes their lives for the better.

Take care everyone.

Stay Happy, Healthy, and Ready for Anything!