Nothing Changes if Nothing Changes.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Summer is ending

I hope everyone has had a happy summer. I know the weather hasn't been the most helpful, whether it has been super hot or you haven't seen much of the sun at all. Just remember, no matter how bad the weather might be now, it can always get worse so enjoy even the shortest moments of rays shooting through the clouds or even the most brief relief from scorching temperatures. During weather changes nature loves to mess around with your circulatory system, so don't be surprised if your bad knee starts acting up, or your back feels a little off. Keep active, hydrated, and balance that pH.

Recently I have seen an influx of clients and one of the constants is the fact that so few are balancing their pH. If you don't take that aspect of your life very seriously, it will be very difficult to achieve the kind of health that many are hoping for. I will have someone come to me and say that I helped their back and it felt great for a month, but then it started to act up again. Then as I work on them they are very sore. The first thing I ask them is how their diet and stress have been... which usually is answered with something in the ballpark of, "Oh, very stressed, and of course not eating the best.". So my next question is are they doing anything to balance the acidity that their stress and diet has created, and it is almost guaranteed that they will admit to forgetting about that "little" factor. Unfortunately it isn't so little.

Here is some reading you can look at that might interest you:

Take care of yourself and have a great fall. Fall is actually my favorite time of year. Weather stays simple in temperature, my birthday is in the end of the fall and it is a running start for all of the fun holidays. But I'm not going to lie when I say that I wont enjoy the rest of the summer while it is here.

Stay Happy, Healthy, and Ready for Anything.