Nothing Changes if Nothing Changes.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Nice to meet you.

So I was reading through my posts and other inserts and I felt that a nice, in-depth write up on myself was way overdue.  I get emails from many who don't know me or have received a treatment from me so I think it is only fair to give you an insight on me and my life.

My name is Adam Hewitt.  I grew up in Tacoma until 5th grade, at which point my parents felt moving to the country was a safer place for us to grow up.  So we moved to Napavine, Washington smack dab in the middle of Lewis County.  If you've never heard of Napavine, don't worry, you're not alone.  After a tough middle school life (soccer players weren't welcomed with open arms and as such I was teased throughout my 7th and 8th grade years) I moved schools to WF West (Chehalis) for High School, which was an incredibly good choice.

While going to WF West, I excelled in a few different types of classes.  My favorites were art classes, including drawing for the school paper, and playing in the different types of band classes including Jazz, Symphonic, and Marching Band as a trumpet player.  I have many amazing memories from these classes. 
This is me actually drawing something for the school paper.

I would love to say that Health Class was a favorite of mine, but I'm not going to lie, I usually was asleep in the back of class during it.  Had no interest in it whatsoever.  Boy, how crazy the world can turn out.

After High School, I didn't really have any idea what I wanted to do.  I thought maybe I could get into art, music, dance, acting, playing soccer in college, or even photography.  Though when it came down to it I was afraid to make a specific choice for the fear of making the wrong one.  So, instead I became a Casino Dealer at the Lucky Eagle Casino.

Wow... what a wake up call to reality.  I felt, leaving High School, that when people graduated High School they were now filled with wisdom and commonsense.  What I learned while working at the casino was that adults are simply just older kids.  I got to see a tough side of the real world while working there.

My beautiful wife, Julia
Though thankfully I was working there, because after having a crush on a beautiful waitress in the restaurant for 4 years I finally got the courage to introduce myself to her.  It just so happens that this major crush ended up agreeing to marry a crazy guy like myself.  And this beautiful woman is of course my wife, Julia.

After 4 1/2 years of dealing at the casino I felt that it wasn't the path I was destined for.  So after talking with my sister who had just graduated from Massage School, I felt that that path might have been what was waiting for me, mostly because I was always the guy with the good hands for back and shoulder rubs.  What I didn't expect was that I was going to fall in love with learning how to help the body heal.  And this is when I realized that this is the job I was destined for.

I went to Massage School at Ashmead, which is unfortunately not a company anymore since it has since been bought out.  But while at Ashmead I fell in love with massage, the body, and learning how to help it.  Massage school was very successful for me as it seemed to have come naturally.  I was chosen by my colleagues to speak at our graduation (about 100 people graduating) and that was a pure joy.

Right out of school I got into the massage business as an independent contractor in a cute spa seemingly in the middle of no where in Centralia, Washington.  I was there for 6 months but it wasn't really working out and an opportunity to work for a local Chiropractor presented itself.  I worked there for 1 1/2 years but that also wasn't the right place for me.  I was then approached by the woman I rented my space from when I first was an independent contractor and was asked if I wanted to take over ownership of the spa since she was having a hard time running it.  This was an intriguing opportunity, though I definitely was nervous with how I'd be able to do it.  I learned a lot in the world of business while running my own spa.  We had some tough goings with some people outside of the business who wanted to take over and a nasty flood in the area decimated many of my clients houses and businesses and we had to shut our doors.  But the experience gleaned from that was invaluable and will help me in the near future unquestionably.

Right after my spa closed down I went to work for the Great Wolf Lodge as the lead massage therapist.  I was with a group of fun spa employees who opened the lodge, though we had a difficult job finding a capable spa director who would last for any length of time.  Our first director came and went because she just didn't mold well with most of the employees.  Our second director was great... until she got caught stealing.  It just so happened that this was an opening for me to become the third spa director.  I definitely had my work cutout for me.  Most of the staff was onboard and we worked well together.  Unfortunately... I said "most".  There were definitely a few that caused some issues but nothing I couldn't handle.

Rayven Alexis Hewitt
While I was knee deep in fixing a spa that was neglected from the previous director, I was also busy getting ready to become....... a FATHER!  On August 13th, 2008, my beautiful daughter, Rayven Alexis Hewitt was born.

While I knew becoming a father was going to be a journey all by itself, little did I know that I was going to experience something surprisingly more life changing.  The day after Rayven was born I started feeling an ache in my left thigh that over 2 weeks became worse and worse.  After the pain began, other bad symptoms followed.  Ultimately, after a trip to the Urgent Care facility, which led to nothing except a prescription for pain meds and anti-anxiety medication, I found myself in the Emergency Room with a life threatening DVT blood clot and a Pulmonary Embolism (clot in the lung).  Little did I know that I had a genetic blood clotting disorder and my entire life would forever be changed from this moment on.

I had to take some significant time away from work to heal up from the clot, at least to the point where I could stand again.  When I finally was able to go back to work they had found a new Spa Director, this wasn't a surprise to me.  I went back to my lead massage therapist position and it wasn't too much longer that I was working when I met a young lady who changed my life for the better.  She was a client who was visiting the lodge from the Seattle area.  Unfortunately, I can't remember her name but I'll never forget her nonetheless.  Truthfully, if it wasn't for her saying "you need to get up to Seattle" I might not be alive today.  After she felt I shouldn't be down in Lewis County I took that to heart and looked up the Pro Sports Club... saw they were hiring, put in a resume, was called for an interview and an audition, and next thing I know I was offered a full time job.  I commuted for a few months to make sure it was a place that I could support my family and found very quickly that it was just that.

Early on as an employee with Pro Sports Club, I heard that an amazing Japanese man was going to train up to 4 massage therapists in his family's rare form of shiatsu.  I've always loved oriental medicine so I applied.  I was one of the few lucky enough to be chosen and my career was reborn.

Mike Kazunori Shimizu worked on me on a early morning March day and blew my mind away.  I was still recovering from my blood clot and was scared to get worked on.  He told me not to worry, but after having a few doctors almost kill me it was hard for me to trust anyone fully.  That was until he started working on me.  I had never felt such a change with such simplicity in his technique.  I devoted my life to this technique from that very moment.

Over the last 4+ years while practicing the art of Sennin-So Shiatsu, plenty of stories, events, and adventures have come my way.  One amazing story was the birth of my second daughter, Jasmine Isabella Hewitt.  Unlike her sister who was calm, quiet, collected when she was born, Jasmine came yelling and fiesty from the very first moment oxygen hit her lungs.  To this day Jasmine has a fire inside her that makes me very nervous for all of the unexpecting young men who'll try and seek her out for a date on Saturday night.  She feels she can do everything her sister does... and I mean everything!
Julia, Rayven, and baby Jasmine

The world has brought me tough times and great times, just like everyone else.  I am a relatively simple man.  I am a Mariners, Seahawks, and Sounders fan.  I love soccer and can't wait to have my knee repaired (ACL is literally gone) so I can play my favorite sport again.  I love music and sing like crazy in my car.  Inspirational stories, pictures, and movies make me tear up.  My favorite drink is Bailey's on the rocks.

There are more fun stories involved and if you'd like to hear more, just come on down and see me.  I hope you have been entertained, if only for a little while.

Stay Happy, Healthy, and Ready for Anything.
My family

Sunday, February 24, 2013

So it doesn't matter???

A new client I had yesterday mentioned that they have been told by medical practitioners that it actually doesn't matter what you eat and drink, for your body cleans everything and all the waste simply just leaves the body.  Thankfully not every medical practitioner is this ignorant.  Eating and drinking the wrong "fuel" will change many things in your body.  We all react in different ways to different foods and drinks, thus making it difficult to understand things if we look at them in a "black and white" perspective.  The world is gray... VERY gray.

I've talked about how important the circulatory system is.  I cannot stress the importance of this system.  EVERYTHING feeds off of it.  So with that said, I ask you to pick which circulatory system you'd like to have in regards to the pictures below.
This stream is to simulate a flow that is unhealthy... obviously.  Slow, congested, littered with junk.
This stream is to simulate a flow that is clean, free flowing, and healthy.

-Which stream would you like to drink out of?
-Which stream would you like to bathe out of?
-Which stream would you expect to deliver healthy fish and nourish local plants and wildlife?
-If this was a direct comparison between you and your circulatory system, which would you rather have?

If you do not believe that what you eat and drink, as well as the impact of your lifestyle in regards to stress, causes any negative effects to your body, then you probably wouldn't mind swimming and drinking out of the first stream.  After all, according to my clients health care practitioner, we clean everything that we consume, so what's the harm???

I don't know about you, but just looking at the first stream makes me nauseous.  The idea that our body is a parallel to that just makes me sad.  We all have the ability to fix that.  But in order to do so you need to take responsibility of your body.  You need to take responsibility of your life.  Stop looking to others to create a drug that will fix it all and still allow you to live an unhealthy lifestyle.  THAT IS NOT LIVING IN REALITY!

Come back to the real world... we've missed you.

Stay Happy, Healthy, and Ready for Anything!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Our "Complicated" Health Path

We all started with a simple act between two people, hopefully in love, that turned into a 40 week adventure for our mothers.  We started in a form that was so small, so theoretically invisible, it's amazing what we became after those 40 weeks.  Then the day comes where we're born and brought into the brighter world.  What an amazing adventure just to get to that point.  Think about it... what our body went through just to get to the point of being born.  Now think about what our body does daily to keep us alive.  It really is amazing.  And just like in the first 40 weeks of your existence, most goes on without our knowledge.

Too often I am confronted with questions on "who's right" and "who's wrong" in regards to which treatments work and which are more gimmicks.  If you were to type in the phrase "Health Path" at Google's search engine you'd receive 764,000,000 websites you could look into.  Wow.  "Who's right" indeed.

After practicing Sennin-So Shiatsu for over 4 years now and learning more and more about myself and the human body, I have come to a simple conclusion:  We make it all too difficult.

We are all different.  Genetics and life styles play a vital role in our individual "Health Path".  But nonetheless, one thing we do on a daily basis is take a complicated machine like the body... and make it even more complicated.  Take this, don't take that, eliminate this, pump you with that, workout like this, but not like that, on and on and on.  It makes it impossible to fully understand what is needed to be healthy.

So through shiatsu and my training, I've tried to simplify it the best way I can.  What I have learned to be optimally healthy for my body is to:

1-Limit stress
2-Limit sugar
3-Limit dairy
4-Limit gluten
5-Eat more vegetables
6-Stay active in exercise but not overactive
7-Keep blood flowing
8-Keep the body's pH balanced and alkaline

That is about it.  The 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th can theoretically be clumped together with a healthy diet style.  The 6th and 7th can relatively be worked in together, though "keeping blood flowing" in all honesty needs manual help and those, like myself, are the best way to help that.  The last has been shown to be possible with the consumption of the baking soda, like suggested by my Shiatsu Master.

That leaves number 1 left unaddressed.  This is probably the most difficult, to be honest.  There are SO MANY variables that cause us to be stressed.  Your adrenals are pumping adrenaline daily, hourly, sometimes by the minute, to handle our environment and the bombardment we're being hit with.  Most of us have no idea how to balance that either.  If someone makes you angry, doing whatever, that act will effect us for most if not all of the entire day, sometimes longer.  We, culturally, do not have any idea how to drop these stressful situations.  We don't know how to simplify our lives to make them healthier.  Until we can stop the craziness and simply just be simple, we'll be dealing with these symptoms forever.

One of my associates asked my Shiatsu Master how he stayed so healthy.  I was eager to hear his reply.  And I smiled once delivered.  "Be happy." he simply stated.  Nothing else.  "Be happy."  Seems way to easy.  Maybe it is... and that's our problem.  "There's no way it's that easy!"

You see there are millions and millions of things our body is doing without our intervention on a daily basis, so isn't it possible that in order to live efficiently all you need to do is ALLOW IT TO DO IT EFFECTIVELY?  Your body needs a specific environment, which in all honesty is easy to obtain.  It needs:

-Efficient sleep
-Fun, physical activities
-Healthy food
-Healthy fluids
-Good oxygen intake
-A balanced pH

The problem is is when we start throwing junk in replace of healthy food, junk in replace of healthy fluid, and figure that it isn't "that bad', it then creates an acidic pH throughout parts of the body.  When the body is too acidic, oxygen isn't delivered efficiently throughout the body.  This then makes life not as much fun and very stressful (Pain will do that)... which also effects your sleep.  It all comes full circle, always.  Every organ in your body works off each other.

Try and keep it simple.  Do you need to purchase hundreds and thousands of dollars in vitamins and supplements???  Last time I checked, most of these vitamins are in our vegetables, the foods we SHOULD be consuming.  Animals in the wild don't suffer from the same crap we do.  My foster brothers from Sudan, Africa didn't start having crazy health issues until they came to America... and they were living in extreme poverty while eating little.

I have a book, "The Tao of Health, Sex, and Longevity", written by Daniel P. Reid, and in this book (first of all it is an amazing book and I have a link at the bottom on how to obtain one.) he talks about a study that showed school children from a school in Michigan that were tested for their nutritional level with their daily meals compared to a homeless street beggar on the streets of India.  The astonishing results were that each child was technically considered malnourished, even compared to the beggar who so happened to have significant better nourishment.  I don't know about you, but that blows my mind.

Keep it simple.  Did nature intend for you to eat it?  That is the most basic and simple question to ask oneself.  Is a full grown human consuming dairy (another animal's milk) natural?  Yes???  If so... when's the last time you saw a full grown cow drinking milk out in the pasture from another cow???  "Excuse me Bessy, if you wouldn't mind leaning to one side... I'm a bit parched."  Silly as it might sound, I'm being very serious.  The only species meant to consume cow's milk... is a cow!  But they stop doing so when they have the ability to eat their own food.  This is the same across the board with all mammals.  But for some reason, we believe as a society that drinking milk is ok.  Why?...... Because you're told it's ok.  Good marketing strategy.  Drink milk or you'll suffer from brittle bones, osteoporosis, etc..  You "need the calcium".  What they don't tell you is that there is significantly more calcium in green vegetables then cow's milk... significantly more!  I personally haven't seen any cows suffering from osteoporosis... have you?

Your path is your own, never forget that.  I can't help you if you don't want me to, and that is not a frustrated statement, it is simply the truth.  If you're not willing to be helped, you wont be, by anyone... even yourself.  Nothing changes if nothing changes.  The majority of our symptoms are derived from lifestyle choices and how the body is adapting, or lack there of, to them.  There are many programs, stories, and information out there that talk about how people have eliminated, not lessen but eliminated, chronic symptoms and saved their lives from numerous diagnosed conditions by changing their life and their diet.  Most of these come from basic changes that bring their life back to simplicity.

It isn't rocket science.  If you put junk in your body expect junk as an output.  Our body doesn't just absorb freely whatever you put in it without some specific consequence.  "To every action there is always opposed an equal reaction." -Sir Isaac Newton.

Simplify your life.  Take care of that amazing machine that is your body... because throughout the majority of your entire life it has been taking care of you.  As far as we know you don't get another one.

Stay Happy, Healthy, and Ready for Anything.