Found this website while doing research to back up some information I've heard in the world of curing cancer. I met a woman a while back who said her brother was cured completely without chemotherapy, surgery, radiation, or even prayers. It was a Doctor in Sweden that focused his intent on changing his blood pH to its proper level, 7.4, which is slightly Alkaline, by using sodium bicarbonate... or baking soda. As well as getting his diet, exercise, and breathing working properly again. The website sounds a bit like a Naturopathic Doctor who's a bit hot headed, but rightly so, since we have to watch thousands die of Cancer with such horrible treatments being allowed to be performed with mixed results. Many of those results empty family's bank accounts and leaves the patient without hope and losing the battle in the end. The main reason I like this article so much is because it resonates perfectly with what my Shiatsu Master has told me about keeping the body properly alkalized. I hope this finds you all in good hands and at least peaks your interest, especially if you have someone you love suffering from this problem.
This is another website with the same information, worded a little differently, and also sounding somewhat not so "chip on your shoulder", like the first one.
They both have great information and while I like all of the data in the second article, I also love the passion and the intense need to help people that you get from the first one. Sort of reminds me a little of myself.
Stay happy, healthy, and ready for anything.
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