Nothing Changes if Nothing Changes.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Baking Soda and Cancer

Found this website while doing research to back up some information I've heard in the world of curing cancer. I met a woman a while back who said her brother was cured completely without chemotherapy, surgery, radiation, or even prayers. It was a Doctor in Sweden that focused his intent on changing his blood pH to its proper level, 7.4, which is slightly Alkaline, by using sodium bicarbonate... or baking soda. As well as getting his diet, exercise, and breathing working properly again. The website sounds a bit like a Naturopathic Doctor who's a bit hot headed, but rightly so, since we have to watch thousands die of Cancer with such horrible treatments being allowed to be performed with mixed results. Many of those results empty family's bank accounts and leaves the patient without hope and losing the battle in the end. The main reason I like this article so much is because it resonates perfectly with what my Shiatsu Master has told me about keeping the body properly alkalized. I hope this finds you all in good hands and at least peaks your interest, especially if you have someone you love suffering from this problem.

This is another website with the same information, worded a little differently, and also sounding somewhat not so "chip on your shoulder", like the first one.

They both have great information and while I like all of the data in the second article, I also love the passion and the intense need to help people that you get from the first one. Sort of reminds me a little of myself.

Stay happy, healthy, and ready for anything.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Trophology, the Science of Food Combining.

It is starting to get more and more popular. Too bad for all the pharmaceutical companies. If this gets main stream, in 20 years they'll be gasping for breath. Read these articles, you'll love it! Worked for me and makes 100% logical sense.

Stay healthy, happy, and ready for anything!

Food meal ideas

Many of you have contacted me on some ideas for meals to prepare when trying to keep the body healthy and combining foods in the system. Here are some ideas and some philosophies to consider when thinking about your daily meals:

-Eat for sustainability, not entertainment. Food should not be your source of entertainment, that's what has brought us to this smörgåsbord mess in the first place.

-Vegetables work great as a substitute for breads. Example: Use large pieces of lettuce to replace your buns for your hamburgers. The first time I tried this I was extremely surprised. We don't realize just how much the buns actually take the flavor of the burger away. Sure it is a bit messier, but that's why we've invented the ability to wash our hands. Try lettuce to wrap up sandwich meat instead of bread. If you're going to do stir fry, don't add any type of noodles and throw in a "mess" of vegetables. Trust me, you'd be surprised just how good they taste, and I grew up hating my veggies!

-The way we consume dairy is extremely unnatural. As much as most love Cheese, there is a reason you do so... because it has a ton of sugar in it and is EXTREMELY acidic. Eliminate all dairy, even your beloved cheese. Instead of your nachos, try a taco salad, without the chips and cheese and sour cream. Throw more veggies onto it. Remember one thing when it comes to the arguments that support dairy; Why do baby's drinking milk from their mother? They don't have the teeth needed to chew their food, so they need all of their nutrients in a different way. The moment that they are ready to stop consuming milk (Human milk) the mom gets a very painful message... baby starts to bite with her teeth. You can find so much more vitamins and minerals in vegetables, including more calcium in your green vegetables than milk.

-Do your very best to eat seasonally. The food we eat has a direct connection with the present environment you live in. For example: Vitamin C from fruits conflict in your body when you're not getting your natural Vitamin D from the sun. Meaning, don't consume Vitamin C when it is winter in an area that is cold and gray. Fruit wouldn't be growing there in the first place. There's a reason that people in my home state of Washington deal with seasonal depression. They are convinced that Vitamin C will prevent colds and other illnesses. That gimmick is over 50 years old.

-Carbohydrates are not a bad thing, despite the gimmick of Dr. Atkins's dangerous diet. They are the fuel your body needs. But, if you were to fill up your gas tank everyday with $20 worth of gas whether you need it or not, you'd be overfilling the gas tank everyday, spilling gas on the ground and on your car. Your body doesn't need fuel throughout the entire day, just for the beginning and up to the "wind down" period. It doesn't need fuel when you're sleeping, so stay away from the carbs at night. The best carbs I've used in my lifetime is a good cup of brown rice in the morning (totaling about one medium/large bowl of rice), which will fill you up for much of the day. If you were to eat just the rice with nothing else, your body would digest it completely, leaving you nourished late into the day, without the need to consume more food until dinner time. The reason most are hungry by lunch time is because the food they ate for breakfast, at best, was partially digested due to the poor combinations. Just because you put it into your body, doesn't mean your body can break it down. It is all done through a chemical process.

-Eat fruit alone. Fruit will move past your stomach to your small intestines where it will be digested properly. If there is food in your stomach when you put fruit in it, the fruit sits in your stomach, ferments, like a wine, and goes bad, creating an acidic environment in your abdominal core that is one of the reasons for the low back problems that people get at about this time of year. Fruit is ripe, they eat tons of it with other food, poor digestion, acidity causing blood congestion in the stomach, back muscles spasm to balance out, go out and play or work outside, tension in back occurs that can even lead to a herniation (your "back goes out"). Fruit is a great source of nutrition, just make sure you eat it with at least 3 to 4 hours in between meals. If you think you'll be too hungry to just eat fruit, then have more fruit then you would normally.

-My menu for the average day consists of this:
-Brown Rice (1 cup) for breakfast
-Fruit (if hungry, mostly not) for lunch
-Vegetables and Protein (concentrated protein like beef, chicken, pork, fish. But not mixed together. Have one type of protein.)
-Try and eat the Vegetables a good 10 minutes before you consume the protein.
-NO DESSERT! You don't need to fill that tank up. I know, I love ice cream, pie, popcorn, and all the great tasty treats out there as much as the next person, but you don't need them.

-The rawer the better for the Vegetables as well as the protein. In Japan, they eat almost all of their meat raw, even Chicken, Eggs, and Beef. They do not deal with a Salmonella issue like many think they would. And if you were to study the Japanese life spans and overall health, you'd find that they are one of the healthiest countries in the world. The idea of eating food raw doesn't sit well with many here in America. That's just called good advertising. If the food is handled poorly, like most in this country, then there is a better chance for food poisoning. But I've had food poisoning twice, both after eating fully cooked foods. And I'm also a massive lover of Sushi, and not once have I had a problem with it. Remember this, we are the only species on the planet that cook our meat. We are also the only ones dying of Diabetes, Cancer, and so forth. Coincidence? Could be, but hard to think it is.

-If you want pasta, try and go toward the Brown Rice pasta. It doesn't contain Gluten and Brown Rice is so much better for you. Most processed breads and pastas contain an amazing amount of sugar. You can find Brown Rice pasta it many places. I get mine from Trader Joes. It tastes as good as regular pasta, with a just a little different texture, but not too noticeable. Also, if you go in the route of pasta, do without the meat, and go LITE on the sauce.

-Test it out! Eat really healthy with proper combinations for one week. Get through the sugar withdrawals because I promise you, you will have them. Those "cravings" you have... just like a drug addict. You want the foods that are loading with sugar; cheese, other dairy, pastas, bread, and so forth. Get through it, and you'll feel great. Your energy level will be so high, you'll clean your house ten times in a week, and wonder how you ever lived the other way. THEN, after a week, eat a meal, maybe a lunch, where it is fast food, or poor combinations like pizza, pasta with meat, hamburgers with buns and fries, etc.. Take a serious gander at your energy level then. You'll feel drained, bloated, slow, lethargic, and know that everyone is going through that when eating this type of food regularly. Most have just gotten used to it, but are also insensitive when the body starts to break down.

Well, these are some things to try. Good luck! The withdrawals aren't fun, but if you have the strength, you'll benefit greatly! Stay healthy, happy, and ready for anything.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Tale of the aspiring soccer player

A few years back I was coaching a boys select soccer team. For three years I had a many different boys that I coached, but none quite like Kevin. He played for me for all three years, voted by the team as Captain for all three, but at the end of the first year he was having some very difficult problems in his right leg, specifically his right quadriceps. Back then, before practicing Shiatsu, I tried to massage out his problems. I'd work and work and work on his leg and nothing would result in it. He saw a physical therapist, a multitude of doctors, and still nothing. All they kept telling him was that he needed to stretch better. He was frustrated with this because before every game I had him stretch for 30 to 45 minutes, and it would only feel ok for the first few minutes as he ran and the pain would always come back. For all three years he dealt with this and it got so bad that he couldn't run for more than a few seconds. I had to teach him how to play goal just so he could be on the team. He dealt with this problem for over a third of his young athletic life. This problem never went away, but only started to hurt when he ran.

And then I was offered the job at "The Spa" at The Pro Sports Club and moved up north. It was sad to leave these boys behind, something that was a difficult decision to make, but had to for my family. After a few months of working, the opportunity to learn Shiatsu presented itself and I was lucky enough to be selected. I, again, was amazed with what was taught to me and knew that it would be many years and many practice sessions before I could get to the level of my Master, but through his training I actually had an amazing epiphany... I finally understood why Kevin's leg was hurting and what the TRUE problem was. For the longest time, we focused his stretching and massage on his right leg, which seemed obvious, that was where the pain was. But through the training of Shiatsu, I've come to understand that the body is one massive set of plumbing, and in most cases, when there is pain or tension on one leg, the "Problem" is actually on the other side. The client will feel the symptoms on the leg that hurts, but the real issue needs to be addressed on the other leg. Bad circulation on one side will literally redirect more fluid to the other side, causing the muscles to be extremely tight and have horrible elasticity. And since this was only happening while he ran, his heart was pumping more and more blood during the cardiovascular activity, which really was causing a lot of tension in the leg that was literally being overfilled with his own fluid, but NOT inflammation, which many doctors will think could be a problem.

So, because I was still learning, I asked Kevin's parents if I could come pick him up and take him up to one of my training sessions, it was a 1 1/2 hour drive and on a Monday morning, and told them I was taking Kevin to see my Shiatsu Master. They didn't fully know what was going on or what to believe with this, but at the same time they were frustrated because Kevin was not getting better with anything and they were almost out of options... surgery was the absolute last resort.

So as Kevin was in the car with me, heading up to my training with my Master, I explained to him what was actually wrong with his leg and how it was going to be fixed. I explained to him that my Shiatsu Master would hit spots on his body that was going to be quite painful, but that the pain would subside within a few seconds and that he just needed to trust him. Kevin, being one of the coolest young men I have ever had the privilege of knowing, trusted me and as such was 100% willing to trust Mike Shimizu, my Shiatsu Master.

During the session, Mike hit some areas on Kevin that I didn't think would be an area of focus, but at the same time I was right in the fact that Kevin's true issues were all on his other leg. After a 30 minute full body treatment he was done and looked like he was intoxicated. The endorphins running through his body were pretty intense and he felt good. After the training, I took Kevin home, but stopping by a soccer field to test his leg out. He ran a bit and said it felt MUCH better. He was a bit concerned that it wouldn't last though. At this time he was in the middle of his High School Freshman soccer season, so he'd have all the opportunity to fully test his leg out. And now, to this day, many days of running, kicking, and playing soccer games, Kevin is still without pain in his leg. I actually had to write a letter to his high school coaches explaining his situation, because they kept putting him in goal because they didn't want him to "re-injure" his leg. I explained that his leg was never injured and it was a pure circulatory scenario. Thankfully I knew the Varsity Coach and her staff personally, so she believed me. He had some very big games and finally, after multiple frustrating years, was able to play the game in which he loves so dearly.

He has asked, "What happens if it comes back?" My simple reply was, "You know why it was there, and now you know how to get rid of it IF it comes back." I also explained that if he was to start feeling some problems, it would most likely be gradual, and to just give me a call. But most importantly, Kevin was given PREVENTATIVE measures to keep his leg from getting like that ever again.

This story is somewhat of a legend at Pro Sports Club. Many of the Shiatsu Practitioners use this story when talking to their clients about the amazing benefits of Sennin-So Shiatsu. The major difference between Kevin, 16, and the average client at Pro Sports Club, age 28-48, is that the younger you are, the faster your body can fix itself and the faster the circulation re-balances itself. It took 1 treatment to rid Kevin of 6 years of ongoing pain in his right leg that never let up unless he just didn't run. Many of the clients I have seen have had to see me multiple times to get their circulation moving properly. If you were to get this treatment 1-4 times, once per week, until the circulation is moving properly, you'd have a body that was in a state that it hadn't been in for years, and then would only need to be seen on a preventative measure. You'd also notice that each week you received this treatment, the pain would be much much less then the previous week.

Our society looks for the quick fix, but it doesn't exist. This is the fasted most effective treatment I have ever seen. But, depending on your issues, age, overall health, and general mindset, it might take multiple treatments to bring your body's circulation back to normal. Don't give up, your body will love you forever.