Nothing Changes if Nothing Changes.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Let it go!

Two monks travelled down a village road on their way to their monastery. As they moved past the busy villagers, an elderly woman was seen having difficulty crossing the road and its terrain. The taller monk went over to her, picked her up, and crossed the road with her in his arms. He put her down on the other side of the road and without blinking, turned toward his original direction and continued walking. His fellow brethren caught up with him and they both continue to walk in silence. For over an hour they walked without speaking.

Then, the shorter monk addressed his brother with a hushed tone. "You broke our sacred law, brother." The taller monk looked at him with confusion. "It is forbidden for us to acknowledge or interact with any woman for any reason. You went to that woman, picked her up and carried her across the street." Why?"

The taller monk's head shifted from his brothers face and turned facing his forward direction. "Brother, I only picked her up and helped her across the street. You are the one who's been carrying her for the last hour."

Have you ever been driving and suddenly someone cuts you off and/or drives by you going 20 miles per hour faster than everyone else? Has that incident ever left you angry and frustrated? Now imagine that same instant... what did the rest of your day, or at least the next few hours, end up like? Have you ever wondered why you get so agitated?

There are so many things, so many confrontations that hit us day in and day out, and it changes everything about who we are, even if for only a moment. A question I ask many of my clients is, "How are you feeling today?" I almost always get an answer that resembles, "Oh, I'm doing well." But most never realize that they haven't "let go" of the literal junk they've come into contact with throughout their day.

Whether it is a coworker who is always negative and loves spewing it all over your desk or lap, the negativity after negativity posted on the news every hour, the concerns with what you should eat or drink to keep from getting sick, how you should exercise to keep thin, what new gimmick concerning your health is true or false, or getting your finances down so you're not stressed about money, we are bombarded hourly by stress that change your entire body's chemical makeup. So far, it is pretty much impossible to duck and dodge from these stimuli.

Many of you who have seen me have had where I showed you how I can change the tension in your abdomen simply by having you visualize a peaceful environment, then turn it around and visualize a stressful situation to create tension and pain. It can go from tight and sensitive to relaxed and loose and back again within moments. Your brain dictates these things, but most have no clue that that is happening. It happens in less then a second. If you let the junk in, it loves to take hold and make a home in you and sometimes it takes a long time to get it out, if it ever does leave.

I will work on clients and out of nowhere they'll start to cry. Now many of you will laughingly point out that this is a sensitive treatment and that is why they are crying. It is sensitive, but the crying literally takes my clients by surprise. This is because it is an emotional release, one of the deepest types of healing your body can go through. I am literally yanking out the stress you've allowed to corrupt you, or I'm allowing you to push it out. When this happens, you can start to cry (you can also laugh) and you don't know why you are doing it. It is the same thing when someone goes to a psychiatrist and has a "break through" and that client just unleashes emotion like an atomic bomb. To release this emotion and energy is so important to your body's healing process. I have clients whose body fights me with the fury of an army because the stagnation of emotion and negativity has taken hold and isn't interested in letting go.

The fact that it is there is entirely your fault... and not your fault at the same time. I mention to my clients that many things they feel are the result of neglecting their body's needs, but to not beat themselves up for it, since many people are in the same boat. It is your charge to make sure you are healthy. It isn't my job to make you healthy, but yours. All I do is clean you out and give you direction. If you do not take responsibility for your life, you will NEVER get to the health that will allow you to feel and look younger then you could ever imagine. And it starts with your mind set.

Be happy. That's it. Be happy. So simple of a concept that it seems ridiculous.

Let's take the original scenario of the idiot who cut you off while driving. You can look at it as, "Hey you @#$%! Why don't you @#$% slow down, you @#$% $%^&!!!!!!! And with that you'll be messed up all day... if you're lucky.


You can say to yourself. "Wow. That guy's a little out of control. Thankfully he didn't hit me or anyone around me. I hope he doesn't hurt anyone." And throw him literally out of your mind. In less than 1 minute you should have completely forgotten about him. His actions should hold no purpose in your day. Just like the monk who helped the woman across the street. It was his brother that couldn't let go of her, and he never touched her.

And if you feel that you just can't let the driver go for what he did, ask yourself what positives will come out of you screaming at him? What are you going to do? Are you going to follow him until he stops and let him know he needs to be more careful? Do you think that he'll listen to you, apologize, and change his ways? I'd bet money that he'd laugh, think you were crazy to follow him to say such a thing, probably give you the finger, and spin out getting away from you, laughing the whole way down the street. In general, it takes serious scenarios for people like that to change, if they ever do. You can't help everyone, nor are you safe from idiots like that. Just look at the positives through all scenarios, like:

-He didn't hit you.
-If he did hit you, then at least you aren't hurt badly.
-If you are hurt badly, then at least you didn't die.
-If you died, then your problems are pretty much gone.

Worst case scenario leaves you with no problems. Now yes, that is a bit of an exaggeration, but I'm not exaggerating when I say look at the positives in every scenario and you'll feel much better through life. Don't hang around or listen to negative people because those people feel obligated to pull everyone down with them. It's like a virus or disease. If anything, try and help them by being positive. If they don't want it, wish them well and move on.

Everyday you have the opportunity to change your life for the better, or you can allow the world around you to treat you like a punching bag. It is your choice. What I can promise you is that the tension in your neck and shoulders, your reoccurring headaches, your digestive problems, and so on have roots. Those roots are being thrown at you daily. Don't allow them to take hold and your symptoms WILL NOT appear.

Take charge. Only you can do it.

Stay Happy, Healthy, and Ready for Anything.