Nothing Changes if Nothing Changes.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Looking in All the Wrong Places.

One late night, around 2:00 a.m., Julia, my wife, woke me up because she had a migraine kick in. Now in the past, this was code for "get a pan, I'm going to be sick. I don't think I can make it to the bathroom." But, this was also the first test I had to show my wife just how powerful Sennin-So Shiatsu can be.

The way western medicine looks at Migraines is exactly backwards. They look in the head, when that is not the problem. There are symptoms, obviously, but look at it like this; when your kitchen sink backs up, you know you have a clog in the pipes. You don't know the clog is there until the water backs up. The water, in this case, is your symptom. The problem, is the clog. If we were to attack the kitchen sink issue like Western Medicine attacks the issues people have in their body, we would bucket out the water. That would work to eliminate the backed up water, but you turn on the faucet and it backs up again. But if you approach the problem, not the symptom, and eliminate it, what happens? The water leaves like it was originally supposed to. You never had to do anything to it. It drains and is no longer an issue.

My wife's Migraine is the symptom of problems happening in the body. The most impacting problems are found in the abdomen and feet. As she was feeling horrible, it took me 5 minutes using the Sennin-So Shiatsu that I was trained in to release the stagnant circulation from the abdomen into the feet and then send it fully circulating the body. Many who get Migraines vomit... and then feel better. That is because the pressure grew so great in the abdomen that the body needed to create space, thus purging the stomach of all its contents as to shrink the organ and create less pressure in the abdomen.

When I finished the technique, I laid down next to my wife, she took a deep breath into her stomach, and there was a 10 second gurgling sound, very similar to the sound that your abdomen makes when you feel hungry. When the gurgling ended, she stopped breathing heavily and turned her head over to me and said, "Holy $%&#, it's gone. How did you do that?"

The body has an amazing ability to heal itself. We are led to believe that the body is helpless without our intervention. All I was trained to do is open what is closed, allowing the body to do what it does all the time. You are the healthiest when you don't know it. It is then that your body fights 1,000's of bacteria and viruses daily without you feeling a thing. It is then that your body brings all the nutrients needed to live a long healthy life and you don't know any different. And only when there are problems is when you start to feel pain, stiffness, aching, lack of range of motion, and so forth. Pain is the body's way of letting you know something is wrong.

I have worked on many clients with Migraines, and so far I have completely reversed every single one in a short amount of time. I actually saw an orthopedic doctor the other day that was suffering from a migraine and I told him I could eliminate it. He laughed and said he just wanted to relax and then hope the Migraine would go away. Well, I proceeded to do a "light version" of Sennin-So Shiatsu without him knowing. Many of the techniques look and feel like massage, so it is easy to do it without seeming like I'm doing something different. It takes longer to be gentler, but is still effective. I told him, seconds before it happened, that his stomach was going to talk to him for about 1 minute and then 1 minute later he'd be without the migraine. Again, I got the impression from him that he didn't believe a word that I said. After all, I'm not the doctor... he is. Well, he was speechless when the stomach started to gurgle, and looked dumbfounded when the Migraine pressure literally drained away. He asked me a very familiar question. "What did you do to me?" I smiled, continued on, and told him very simply, "No offence, but Doctors are looking in all the wrong places."

1 comment:

  1. Ignorance is always bliss. LOL! Love the blog keep it up. April
