Nothing Changes if Nothing Changes.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Weather Man didn't predict this...

Now that our weather is changing, which living in Washington it shouldn't be a surprise, expect your joints, muscles, and headaches to start aching out of nowhere. With multiple factors in your circulation causing the tension, aches, headaches, joint problems, etc., you can add atmospheric pressure, temperature, and change in ionic conditions to add to those factors. Throughout the year when the weather and atmosphere change so does our body. Anything that deals with fluid changes. It will cause many different issues throughout your body and it will really irritate damaged areas like bad knees, ankles, and shoulders. Decrease that acidity, get the blood moving to everywhere (especially through the feet and stomach), and your body will balance itself out.

If you're thinking about coming to see me to help with what you're feeling, schedule early, because during weather and atmospheric changes my books get really busy. Fall is coming... or is here, however one tends to look at it. It's not all bad.

Stay Happy, Healthy, and Ready for Everything.

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