Nothing Changes if Nothing Changes.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Logical and Factual

logic |ˈläjik|nounreasoning conducted or assessed according to strict principles of validity experience is a better guide to this than deductive logic he explains his move with simple logic the logic of the argument is faulty.• a particular system or codification of the principles of proof and inference Aristotelian logic.• the systematic use of symbolic and mathematical techniques to determine the forms of valid deductive argument.• the quality of being justifiable by reason there's no logic in telling her not to hit people when that's what you're doing.• ( logic of) the course of action or line of reasoning suggested ormade necessary by if the logic of capital is allowed to determine events.a system or set of principles underlying the arrangements of elements in a computer or electronic device so as to perform a specified task.• logical operations collectively.

fact |fakt|nounthing that is indisputably the case she lacks political experience—a fact that becomes clear when she appears in public a body of fact.• ( the fact that) used in discussing the significance of something that is the case the real problem facing them is the fact that their funds are being cut.• (usu. facts) a piece of information used as evidence or as part of a report or news article.• chiefly Law the truth about events as opposed to interpretation there was a question of fact as to whether they had received the letter

When our society is confronted with a problem and we don't know the answer, we generally fall back to two forms of problem solving tools:  Facts and Logic.  I mean, after all, that is the intellectual thing to do, yes?

Well, I'm here to tell you that our body, unfortunately, takes our ideas of "facts" and "logic" and laughs at them.  After all, we, as a species, are very simple minded creatures working to try and understand an extremely complex, but surprisingly simple, machine.  That machine of course is the human body.  Now there is a flaw in the way most look at the human body, and if you've been worked on by me you might recall I've spoken on this.  That flaw is:

-We focus so much on symptoms, we forget that they're symptoms.

When your sink is clogged, do you blame the water that is sitting, unwilling to drain, in the tub of your sink?  Of course not, that would be foolish.  Do you blame the dog for soiling your living room carpet when he's been inside all day and not let out?  Again, no, It'd be foolish.  If you solely focus on a symptom, you're being foolish.  Now, if you're not understanding where I'm going with this, then I ask you,  "In order to have a symptom, you need what?"................ a Problem.  Now do you want to know the funny thing about problems and symptoms, there are different levels of them.  It rarely, and I mean RARELY is just one problem causing one symptom.

For example, I'm going to explain a symptom I see on a regular basis, and as such I'll explain what I look for and how it effects the body, as learned through Sennin-So Shiatsu.

(Many might recognize this example)

-A Client comes in complaining about low back pain.  "Low back pain"= SYMPTOM!  No matter how much it hurts, you must remember that it is a symptom!  One might debate though, "but the disk has herniated, that is a problem".  That is actually true.  A herniated disc could very easily be categorized as a problem.  But it is actually, in this case, a Tertiary (3rd) problem.

You see, a primary, or root, problem and symptom creates a secondary problem and symptom which creates the tertiary problem and symptom... and it continues to go until you address the Primary Problem.  Let's take a look at the chain in a favorite client of mine. (her name will be anonymous and go by Jane as in Jane Doe)

-Jane's Symptom-  Back Pain.  Muscles in the back are extremely tight creating tension and torque as she goes about playing volleyball, making it very difficult to perform at her normal level.

-Adam's findings-  Stomach Tension and extreme sensitivity.  Muscles in abdomen are extremely tight and sensitive, thus stimulating the brain to fire the balancing muscles which are all in the back.

-Back is in pain because the muscles in the back are extremely tight.  Symptom to Problem.
-Back is tight because stomach is tight.  Symptom to Problem.
-Stomach is tight because circulation is poor throughout the abdomen.  Symptom to Problem.
-Circulation is poor throughout the abdomen because: ??? (and here is where the real work of prevention kicks in since there are always multiple variables!)

After 2 sessions we were able to release the tension in the abdomen and the back pain was gone!  Now Jane found me after going to 5 doctors, physical therapists, a chiropractor, massage therapy, and nothing was helping her.  Do you know why?  Because they went straight to "logic" and "facts":

-Client's back is in pain
-Client's back is extremely tight

So, they of course focused on the back.  Doctors scan the back for abnormalities, breaks, strains, fluid retention, you name it.  But what happens if they find nothing?  I've actually had clients tell me that doctors have told them the pain is all in their mind because they can't find anything wrong with them.  Wow... talk about a cop out!  That is code for: RUN!

Now when pertaining to back pain and Physical Therapy, most physical therapists, (I say most because I cannot obviously speak for all PT's) go on the theory that if the muscles in the back are too tight and causing pain, the problem is that the core muscles in the abdomen are too weak.  Thus they have you strengthen those muscles to try and balance out the two.  Yes, this is absolutely logical.  Except, logic doesn't always guarantee success no matter how right it seems.  For example, it was logical that the earth was flat, and for many years it was believed to be true by countless individuals both peasants and scholars alike.  Well, they were unfortunately wrong.  And in the case of the PT's theory on back pain, it is flawed.

Now, I have talked with a few PT's and get the same type of reaction when I explain to them their back theory and its flaw.  Mind you that I don't approach them like "you should know better" or "how could you not know".  These, in most cases, are great people wanting to make a difference and doing what they can to help, using methods they've been taught.  Not to mention just because the back theory is flawed doesn't mean EVERYTHING they do is flawed.  All medical practices have their flaws, even Shiatsu, and they all have benefits.  Some just more then others.  

With the PT's, I first ask that isn't it true that the only clients who see back pain relief are those who live and die off their abdomen workouts, and the answer has always been yes.  Whereas those who do their exercises only every now and then continue with the consistent back issues.  What I've learned through Sennin-So Shiatsu gives me the ability to explain this.

You see, like mentioned above, when the abdominal muscles have poor circulation, due to multiple variables, they contract.  Your brain senses this and fires the counter balancing muscles in the back to keep you upright.  If the brain did not do this, you'd be bent over at the waist all the time.  You couldn't protect yourself if all you did was look down at the ground.  So we fix this in Sennin-So Shiatsu by increasing the blood flow through the abdominal core and down to the feet.  WITH EXERCISE you also increase the circulation, but since you never addressed why the blood stagnated in the stomach to begin with, something we do in Shiatsu, the root continues to come back and only gives you little amounts of relief when you're doing the actual exercise.

If you took the theory that one group of muscles could under-develop through sheer lack of strengthening, thus causing an imbalance in the body where the opposite muscles would then be in pain because they were over developed, simply look at your arms for the best example.  Ever see guys at the gym walk around like they're gorillas?  Their biceps are significantly more developed then their opposite acting triceps, thus giving the impression that they're carrying jugs under their arms.  When's the last time they've talked about how bad their biceps are killing them in comparison to the amount of people suffering back pain on a regular basis?  Like I said, it's logical, just not what is actually happening.  And because the PT's have seen results with their theory, they stick to it, not realizing that they are just doing what we do, inadvertently, and at a slower pace.

A Migraine is the same type of situation.  Here are two Migraine definitions according to New Oxford American Dictionary and the second being from Wikipedia :

migraine |ˈmīˌgrān| (also migraine headache)nouna recurrent throbbing headache that typically affects one side of the head and is often accompanied by nausea and disturbed vision.

Migraine is a chronic disorder characterized by recurrent moderate to severe headachesoften in association with a number of autonomicsymptoms. The word derives from the Greekἡμικρανία (hemikrania), "pain on one side of the head",[1] from ἡμι- (hemi-), "half", and κρανίον (kranion), "skull".[2]
Typically the headache is unilateral (affecting one half of the head) and pulsating in nature, lasting from 2 to 72 hours. Associated symptoms may includenauseavomiting,photophobia (increased sensitivity to light),phonophobia (increased sensitivity to sound) and the pain is generally aggravated by physical activity.[3] Up to one-third of people with migraine headaches perceive anaura: a transient visual, sensory, language, or motor disturbance which signals that the headache will soon occur.[3]
Migraines are believed to be due to a mixture of environmental and genetic factors.[4] About two-thirds of cases run in families.[5] Fluctuating hormone levels may also play a role: migraine affects slightly more boys than girls before puberty, but about two to three times more women than men.[6][7] Propensity for migraines usually decreases during pregnancy.[6]The exact mechanisms of migraines are not known. It however is believed to be a neurovascular disorder.[5] The primary theory is related to increased excitability of the cerebral cortex and abnormal control of painneurons in the trigeminal nucleus of the brainstem.[8]

Now I want you to read them both and highlight some key words in there that, for whatever reason, the medical society has COMPLETELY over looked.  I have taken them from the definitions and they are:
-"throbbing" and "pulsating"
-"disturbed vision"
-"photophobia" and "phonophobia"
-"believe to be due to a mixture of environmental and genetic factors"

Now take a look at that last sentence from the Wikipedia definition:  

The primary theory is related to increased excitability of the cerebral cortex and abnormal control of painneurons in the trigeminal nucleus of the brainstem.[8]

Uhhh.... what???

Sadly, the truth is that they are looking so close to their "facts" that they are missing the big picture all together.  Have you ever tried putting a puzzle together, but did it using a magnifying glass glued to your eyes so you'd have to look at the pieces so close and only as individuals?  If you were lucky enough to finish one, it'd take months, maybe years to complete it.  Sometimes you need to take a step back and look at the entire object to better understand what and why things are happening. As in Occam's Razor principle, "In explaining a thing no more assumptions should be made than are necessary."  The shorter version sound somewhat like "when confronted with a problem, the simplest answer is usually the best answer."

So looking at the keywords mentioned above, does anything strike you as interesting?  How about the words "throbbing" and "pulsating"?  In order to throb and pulsate (like pulse), you need what?  Pressure from fluid, yes?  So, right there you know that circulation has to play a vital part.  How about two other words directly associated with each other:  Nausea and vomiting.  Are they just side effects of the migraine or... could they mean more... hmmm.  How about, "believed to be due to a mixture of environmental and genetic factors"?  That is medical jargon for "we think there are actual reasons for them, but not sure what they are and why they effect the body as such."  Again, tough to figure that out when looking so closely at the body... and in this case... so closely to the head.

Here is what we do with Sennin-So Shiatsu.  A Migraine, in most cases, is simply a circulatory build up of pressure.  It really is a simple explanation, though to release it can be tricky sometimes.  In other definitions of Migraines it is said that during a Migraine the blood vessels in the head dilate.  This, of course, should be obvious.  There needs to be a place for the extra pressure to move to.  So, to help the body eliminate the symptom of the Migraine, you need to release the pressure.  We release specific parts of the body to help the blood flow move more balanced and freely throughout the body.  When this is properly achieved, the pressure is then relieved and the Migraine is gone.  Funny thing... one of those areas is the stomach.  In fact, it is debatable that it is the most important area to release.  You see, the stomach, in most cases, has literally become a tourniquet, slowing the blood flow through the lower half of the body significantly and thus causing the heart to pump harder to get through the congestion.  When that happens, BOOM, Migraine baby!  Especially if the blood flow through the feet and arms is slow, then it is really bad.  So it isn't a shocker that the words "Nausea" and "Vomiting" are used in the definition of what a Migraine is... or properly deciphered, what the "Symptoms of a Migraine is", because neither definition has explained the root of a Migraine.  

Nausea and Vomiting play a SIGNIFICANT role in Migraine symptoms.  Like a fever when you get an infection, Nausea and Vomiting are the body's own selfdefense mechanisms to the build up of pressure effecting the head.  Think about it... what happens when you vomit?  The stomach purges all contents within itself.  What do you think that does to the stomach's size?  It shrinks it.  When you eat, the stomach, on average, can expand anywhere from 1 liter to 4 liters worth of space for food.  That can be quite big.  So if blood is trying to get through the abdominal core and it is having a hard time doing so because the circulation in the abs is poor, causing them to constrict, a great way to make more room in the abdomen for the blood to pass through would be to purge the stomach organ and shrink its size.  THUS taking pressure off the upper body  And there you have why Nausea and Vomiting are involved with Migraines.  It's the body's way of saying, "If you're not going to fix this, WE'LL fix it for you!"

My wife, Julia, is the prime Guinea Pig for this understanding.  She has had Migraines her whole life and it isn't until vomiting that they go away.  If I can get to her in time, I can release it and she doesn't need to be sick.  That's if she tells me before it is code red, something she rarely does!

Now, when involving the environmental factors like they were talking about, I can explain those as well.  If you ask anyone who has suffered from Migraines for long stretches of time and has sought out doctors on ways to either prevent or lessen them, you'll get the key word "trigger".  I've read up on many "triggers" on Migraines.  ALL OF THEM are on the list of the most acidic things you can do to your body.  And when you become too acidic, your gall bladder is effected, your stomach organ is surrounded with blood, the blood stagnates, tightens... and it's game on.  Popular triggers are Wine, Cheese, Chocolate, Caffeine, and Processed Foods, just to name a few.

A few years ago my wife and I went to my work's Christmas Party.  She was wearing a beautiful dress and looked amazing.  She is also someone who can't drink a lot of alcohol because it is very acidic to her body and as such her body doesn't let her go with much of it in her system.  Well, halfway through the night I was with a friend and looked over at my wife and saw she was as pale as they get.  I went to ask how she was doing and she told me a Migraine was kicking in, and kicking in fast!  We left for the car and unfortunately she couldn't make it without losing everything she ate for dinner.  Her body purged 3 times before we got home, leaving nothing in her stomach.  She told me she only had 2 drinks and thought it wouldn't be that bad.  To my surprise, as I helped her get undressed and ready for bed, she was wearing a corset under her dress.  I almost laughed as I connected the dots!  Though knowing her she would have probably knocked me out, so I chose not to.  What she did was almost quite literally taunt her own body's circulatory system by not only creating an acidic reaction in her stomach because of the alcohol and deserts at the party, but also by creating an EXTERNAL tourniquet with the corset.  Quite simply her body couldn't get a sufficient amount of blood to the lower half so it was going through emergency purge to decrease the pressure.

I helped an associate with somewhat of the same problem one day.  She was a hairdresser who was starting to have a Migraine.  I took her to my room to work on her for 10 minutes.  I didn't realize until she was taking it off, but she was wearing a belt around her abdomen as nothing but an accessory to her fashion statement.  When I saw that I about cried.  I told her that that was why she was having the Migraine.  When I released the congestion it caused in her abdomen, the Migraine was gone and she couldn't believe it.

Ladies... say no to tight things around your waist if you are easily prone to headaches and Migraines!!!

Many people have their own theories about their bodies and the pain they experience through life.  Pain in your shoulder makes you believe it is because of work, or that you slouch at the computer, or because you play sports, or because of this or that or the other thing.  I've heard countless theories on why people think they're hurt.  But rarely do I get to hear a perspective that has factored in that the body's symptoms aren't the root and thus they know the real problem lies elsewhere.  It is never one thing, either.  There are always multiple factors.  And if you wanted to know what is the closest to the "one thing" that is causing all of your issues, you can say blood flow or your circulation.  There are multiple variables as to why your blood flow starts to slow down, but it still comes down to your circulation.

Fix your circulation and it will fix you!

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